Statistical mechanics of polymer models

Arriving Saturday, May 10 and departing Thursday May 15, 2003

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Bousquet-Mélou, Mireille CNRS, Université de Bordeaux
Brak, Richard The University of Melbourne
Brydges, David University of British Columbia
Darcy, Isabel University of Iowa
Deguchi, Tetsuo Ochanomizu University
den Hollander, Frank University of Leiden
Diao, Yuanan Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte
Duplantier, Bertrand CEA / Saclay
Guttmann, Tony University of Melbourne
Hansmann, Ulrich H. E. Michigan Technological University
Holmes, Mark University of British Columbia
James, Edna University of Toronto
Janse van Rensburg, Esaias York University
Jarai, Antal University of Bath
Krawczyk, Jaroslav Department of Theoretical Physics
Kusner, Rob University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Lee, Seung The Ohio State University
Leroux, Pierre LaCIM-UQAM
Madras, Neal York University
Mann, Jennifer Florida State University
Medikonduri, Ram Kishore University of Texas at Dallas
Millett, Kenneth University of California, Santa Barbara
Navarra-Madsen, Junalyn University of Texas at Dallas
Owczarek, Aleks The University of Melbourne
Prellberg, Thomas Technische Universität Clausthal
Rechnitzer, Andrew UBC
Richard, Christoph FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Shimamura, Miyuki K. University of Tokyo
Slade, Gordon University of British Columbia
Soteros, Chris University of Saskatchewan
Stasiak, Andrzej University of Lausanne
Stella, Attilio L. Università di Padova
Sumners, De Witt Florida State University
Szafron, Michael University of Saskatchewan
Viennot, Xavier G. LaBRI, Université Bordeaux I and CNRS
Whittington, Stuart University of Toronto