Current trends in arithmetic geometry and number theory
Arriving Saturday, August 16 and departing Thursday August 21, 2003
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Agboola, Adebisi | University of California Santa Barbara |
Berger, Laurent | Harvard University |
Boeckle, Gebhard | Institute for Experimental Mathematics |
Chang, Seunghwan | Brandeis University |
Chen, Imin | Simon Fraser University |
Chenevier, Gaëtan | Ecole Normale Superieure |
Coleman, Robert | University of California Berkeley |
Colmez, Pierre | Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu |
Conrad, Brian | Stanford University |
Cornut, Christophe | CNRS |
de Shalit, Ehud | Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Diamond, Fred | Brandeis University |
Edixhoven, Bas | Mathematisch Instituut, Leiden |
Emerton, Matthew | Northwestern University |
Goren, Eyal | McGill University |
Greenberg, Ralph | University of Washington |
Herrick, Graham | Northwestern University |
Hida, Haruzo | UCLA |
Iovita, Adrian | Concordia University |
Kassaei, Payman | King's College London |
Kedlaya, Kiran | University of California San Diego |
Khare, Chandrashekhar | UCLA |
Kisin, Mark | University of Chicago |
Mailhot, Jim | University of Washington |
Marshall, Susan | University of Texas |
Nichifor, Alexandra | University of Washington |
Niziol, Wieslawa | University of Utah |
Pollack, Robert | Boston University |
Ramakrishna, Ravi | McGill University |
Savitt, David | IHES, Le Bois-Marie |
Schneider, Peter | Mathematisches Institut Muenster |
Skinner, Christopher | Princeton University |
Teitelbaum, Jeremy | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Trifkovic, Mak | University of Victoria |
Urban, Eric | LAGA-CNRS |
Vatsal, Vinayak | University of British Columbia |
Virdol, Cristian | University of Southern California |
Wach, Nathalie | IRMA, Univ. Strasbourg |
Wortmann, Sigrid | Mathematisches Institut Heidelberg |
Zink, Thomas | Universitat Bielefeld |