Math Fair Workshop

Arriving Thursday, April 22 and departing Saturday April 24, 2004

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Bourges Couture, Paula
Drent, Jason Sundre High School
Dumanski, Micheal SNAP Foundation
Friesen, Sharon University of Calgary
Gibbs, Sandy Newton School
Gibson, Brad Lorelei School
Hamly, Roxanne Newton School
Hines, Amanda Sundre High School
Hohn, Tiina SNAP Mathematics Foundation
Holloway, Thomas none
Korf, Lisa University of Washington
Kowalchuk, Aurianna
Kozak, Carla EPSB
Lagu, Indy Mount Royal University
Levesque, Josée Kenilworth Jr. High School
Liu, Andy University of Alberta
Lore, Pat Edmonton Public Schools - Centre for Education
Lovallo, Patti
Mackie, Jodi Bisset Elementary School
Mandin-Kelly, Yvette Dovercourt Elementary School
Mayhew, Dennis Lansdowne Elementary School
Mertens, Chris Sundre High School
Mitchell, Shirley PIMS U of A
Muchena, Sherrill Malcolm Tweddle Elementary School
Ostopowich, Brad St. Mary School
Poulin, Tracy
Prefontaine, Suzanne
Price, Tara Kenilworth Jr. High School
Reichert, Valarie Leschi Elementary School, Seattle
Slen, Gail
Steinhauer, Todd T.D. Baker Junior High Schoo
Sun, Wen-Hsien Chiu Chang Mathematics Education Foundation
Thompson, Tanya Mastermind Toys
Vaderlind, Paul Stockholm University
Warfield, Ginger University of Washington
Whillans, Sharon Malcom Tweddle School
Whiting, Dolores EPSB