The structure of amenable systems
Arriving Saturday, October 30 and departing Thursday November 4, 2004
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Bates, Teresa | University of Victoria |
Blackadar, Bruce | University of Nevada at Reno |
Blanchard, Etienne | Centre National des Recherches Scientifiques, Jussieu, Paris |
Bratteli, Ola | University of Oslo |
Brenken, Berndt | University of Calgary |
Brown, Nathanial | Pennsylvania State University |
Buck, Julian | University of Northern B.C. |
Carlsen, Toke | Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Dadarlat, Marius | Purdue University |
Dean, Andrew | Lakehead University |
Eilers, Soren | University of Copenhagen |
Elliott, George | University of Toronto |
Giordano, Thierry | University of Ottawa |
Gong, Guihua | University of Puerto Rico |
Handelman, David | University of Ottawa |
Hirshberg, Ilan | University of Southern Denmark |
Itza-Ortiz, Benjamin | University of Ottawa |
Ivanescu, Cristian | MacEwan University |
Izumi, Masaki | Kyoto University |
Katsura, Takeshi | Keio University |
Kumjian, Alex | University of Nevada, Reno |
Li, Hanfeng | State University of New York at Buffalo |
Li, Liangqing | University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras |
Lin, Huaxin | University of Oregon |
Matui, Hiroki | Chiba University |
Neufang, Matthias | Carleton University and University of Lille |
Ng, Ping Wong | University of New Brunswick |
Niu, Zhuang | University of Toronto |
Okayasu, Rui | Osaka Kyoiku University |
Osaka, Hiroyuki | Ritsumeikan University |
Ozawa, Narutaka | Kyoto University |
Pasnicu, Cornel | University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus |
Phillips, Christopher | University of Oregon |
Putnam, Ian | University of Victoria |
Robert, Leonel | University of Louisiana at Lafayette |
Skau, Christian | Norwegian University of Science & Technology |
Toms, Andrew | Purdue University |
Winter, Wilhelm | University of Muenster |