Math Fair Workshop
Arriving Friday, April 20 and departing Sunday April 22, 2007
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Baratta, Desiree | Edmonton Schools |
Bosscha, Angela | Edmonton Schools |
Campbell, Cathy | Bessie Nichols School, Edmonton Public Schools |
Christensen, Derek | Edmonton Public Schools |
Desaulniers, Shawn | University of British Columbia |
Estabrooks, Manny | Red Deer College |
Ford, Elaine | Edmonton Schools |
Francis, Krista | University of Calgary |
Friesen, Sharon | University of Calgary |
Godwaldt, Terry | Edmonton Public Schools |
Guay, Kathlyn | McKernan |
Hamilton, Gordon | MathPickle |
Hassenstein, Ray | Clearview Schools |
Hoekstra, Elaine | Clearview School |
Hohn, Tiina | SNAP Mathematics Foundation |
Jones, Daryl | St Mary School |
Jubenvill, Heather | Oliver |
Kim, Scott | Shufflebrain |
LeCaine, Vanessa | Edmonton Schools |
Lewis, Ted | SNAP Mathematics Foundation |
Liu, Andy | University of Alberta |
McLaughlin, David | Grant MacEwan College |
Nichols, Ryan | Edmonton Schools |
Pasanen, Trevor | University of Alberta |
Ritchie, Bill | Thinkfun |
Shaw, Dolph | Edmonton Public Schools |
Shevalier-Lavin, Renee | Good Shepherd |
Simpson, Charlene | Edmonton Schools |
Stroud, Chris | West Point Grey Academy |
Sun, Wen-Hsien | Chiu Chang Mathematics Education Foundation |
Thompson, Tanya | Mastermind Toys |
Timourian, Jim | University of Alberta |
Woods, Allen | Gus Wetter School |
Yen, Lily | Capilano College, BC |