Math Fair Workshop

Arriving Friday, April 20 and departing Sunday April 22, 2007

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Baratta, Desiree Edmonton Schools
Bosscha, Angela Edmonton Schools
Campbell, Cathy Bessie Nichols School, Edmonton Public Schools
Christensen, Derek Edmonton Public Schools
Desaulniers, Shawn University of British Columbia
Estabrooks, Manny Red Deer College
Ford, Elaine Edmonton Schools
Francis, Krista University of Calgary
Friesen, Sharon University of Calgary
Godwaldt, Terry Edmonton Public Schools
Guay, Kathlyn McKernan
Hamilton, Gordon MathPickle
Hassenstein, Ray Clearview Schools
Hoekstra, Elaine Clearview School
Hohn, Tiina SNAP Mathematics Foundation
Jones, Daryl St Mary School
Jubenvill, Heather Oliver
Kim, Scott Shufflebrain
LeCaine, Vanessa Edmonton Schools
Lewis, Ted SNAP Mathematics Foundation
Liu, Andy University of Alberta
McLaughlin, David Grant MacEwan College
Nichols, Ryan Edmonton Schools
Pasanen, Trevor University of Alberta
Ritchie, Bill Thinkfun
Shaw, Dolph Edmonton Public Schools
Shevalier-Lavin, Renee Good Shepherd
Simpson, Charlene Edmonton Schools
Stroud, Chris West Point Grey Academy
Sun, Wen-Hsien Chiu Chang Mathematics Education Foundation
Thompson, Tanya Mastermind Toys
Timourian, Jim University of Alberta
Woods, Allen Gus Wetter School
Yen, Lily Capilano College, BC