Causal Inference in Statistics and the Quantitative Sciences

Arriving Sunday, May 3 and departing Friday May 8, 2009

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Abadie, Alberto Harvard University
Arjas, Elja University of Helsinki
Chakraborty, Bibhas University of Michigan
Ertefaie, Ashkan McGill University
Geneletti, Sara London School of Economics
Glynn, Adam Harvard University
Goetghebeur, Els University of Ghent
Graham, Daniel Imperial College London
Gustafson, Paul University of British Columbia
Henderson, Robin University of Newcastle
Hernan, Miguel Harvard School of Public Health
Hirano, Keisuke University of Arizona
Joffe, Marshall University of Pennsylvania
Kaufman, Jay S. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University
Lefebvre, Genevieve Université du Québec à Montréal
McCandless, Lawrence Simon Fraser University
Neufeld, Eric University of Saskatchewan
Noorbaloochi, Siamak Center for Chronic Disease Outcome Research
Pearl, Judea UCLA
Platt, Robert McGill University
Redman, Mary Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Rich, Benjamin McGill University
Richardson, Thomas University of Washington
Richardson, Sylvia Imperial College
Robins, James Harvard
Rosenblum, Michael UC San Francisco
Schaubel, Doug University of Michigan
Schnitzer, Mireille McGill University
Sekhon, Jasjeet UC Berkeley
Shortreed, Susan Monash University
Small, Dylan University of Pennsylvania
Strumpf, Erin McGill University
Stuart, Elizabeth Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
van der Laan, Mark University of California Berkeley
VanderWeele, Tyler University of Chicago
Xiao, Yongling McGill University