Participant Testimonials
The workshop was very useful to think about new projects and to meet other people of scientific interests close to mine. Indeed, there is a number of people I talked to, and there are perspectives to develop concrete research projects. It was interesting especially to see nice interactions of geometry and partial differential equations. Certainly, I will involve in these projects some of my students and post-docs.
I found the workshop very stimulating and interesting. The environment and Also the banff centre constituted a wonderful place where to work and discuss. The people of BIRS were kind and efficient.
Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche
This recent workshop concerning interactions between Allen-Cahn equations, the mathematics around the De Giorgi conjecture, and the geometry of minimal and CMC surfaces, was an unusually good one. The connections between these fields have been known for quite a while, but significant interactions between the rather disjoint groups of analysts and geometers who work on these problems has only occurred quite recently. In my opinion, this workshop was extremely helpful in furthering these interactions. I met several significant people with whom I had not had contact before, and got a LOT of new ideas for my research, started some new projects, and altogether felt that the week was extremely inspiring. I think BIRS is a very good place for meetings and am always very happy to go there, but this one stood out amongst all the meetings I had been to there!
Mathematics, Stanford University
The conference was very well-organized. I benefited from it in the following ways: (i) I learned the state of art of the research area; this will help me finding research problems, especially for my Ph.D students. (ii) I got the chance to meet and talk to some of the experts who can shed light on the problem that I am currently working on. This may lead to future collaborations. (iii) I got the chance to make my own research results known to a group of first rate analysts, which helps to disseminate the information.