Nonlinear Diffusions and Entropy Dissipation: From Geometry to Biology
Arriving Sunday, May 9 and departing Friday May 14, 2010
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Agueh, Martial | University of Victoria |
Biler, Piotr | University of Wrocław |
Blanchet, Adrien | Université de Toulouse |
Bonforte, Matteo | Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and ICMAT |
Calvez, Vincent | École normale supérieure de Lyon |
Cañizo Rincón, José Alfredo | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
Carlen, Eric | Rutgers University |
Carrillo, Jose Antonio | Imperial College, London, GB |
Carvalho, Maria C | University of Lisbon and Rutgers University |
Chugunova, Marina | Claremont Graduate University |
Corrias, Lucilla | Universite d'Evry |
Daskalopoulos, Panagiota | Columbia University |
Desvillettes, Laurent | Université Paris Diderot |
Di Francesco, Marco | University of L'Aquila |
Dolbeault, Jean | CNRS & Université Paris-Dauphine |
Fellner, Klemens | University of Graz |
Figalli, Alessio | ETH Zurich |
González Nogueras, María del Mar | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
Kinderlehrer, David | Carnegie Mellon University |
Laurençot, Philippe | Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse (France) |
Laurent, Thomas | UCR |
Lee, Paul | University of California at Berkeley |
Lorz, Alexander | Universite Pierre et Marie Curie |
Matthes, Daniel | TU-Munich |
McCann, Robert | University of Toronto |
Nazaret, Bruno | SAMM, Université Paris 1 |
Raoul, Gaël | Ecole polytechnique |
Rosado, Jesus | UBA |
Savaré, Giuseppe | Bocconi University |
Schmeiser, Christian | University of Vienna |
Schwab, Russell | Carnegie Mellon University |
Sesum, Natasa | Rutgers University |
Slepcev, Dejan | Carnegie Mellon University |
Stanczy, Robert | Uniwersytet Wroclawski |
Sturm, Karl-Theodor | University of Bonn |
Ulusoy, Suleyman | Zirve University |
Westdickenberg, Michael | Georgia Institute of Technology |