New Trends and Directions in Combinatorics
Arriving Sunday, August 19 and departing Friday August 24, 2012
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Addario-Berry, Louigi | McGill University |
Balogh, Jozsef | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Bohman, Tom | Carnegie Mellon University |
Conlon, David | California Institute of Technology |
Das, Shagnik | Freie Universitat Berlin |
Ellis, David | Queen Mary, University of London |
Fox, Jacob | Stanford University |
Friedgut, Ehud | Weizmann Institute |
Frieze, Alan | Carnegie Mellon University |
Furedi, Zoltan | University of Illinois at Urbana |
Gebauer, Heidi | Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule Zurich |
Hatami, Hamed | McGill University |
Haxell, Penny | University of Waterloo |
Hefetz, Dan | University of Birmingham |
Huang, Hao | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
Kahn, Jeff | Rutgers University |
Kim, Jeong Han | Yonsei University |
Kostochka, Alexandr | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Krivelevich, Michael | Tel Aviv University |
Lee, Choongbum | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Linial, nati | Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Loh, Po-Shen | Carnegie Mellon University |
Lubetzky, Eyal | Courant Institute (NYU) |
Łuczak, Tomasz | Adam Mickiewicz University |
Ma, Jie | UCLA |
Mubayi, Dhruv | University of Illinois Chicago |
Naves, Humberto | UCLA |
Pikhurko, Oleg | University of Warwick |
Reed, Bruce | McGill University |
Schacht, Mathias | University of Hamburg and Yale University |
Shapira, Asaf | Tel Aviv University |
Solymosi, Jozsef | University of British Columbia |
Sudakov, Beny | ETH, Zurich |
Szabó, Tibor | Freie Universität Berlin |
Tetali, Prasad | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Verstraete, Jacques | University of California at San Diego |
Warnke, Lutz | University of Oxford |
Wormald, Nick | Monash University, Australia |
Yuster, Raphael | University of Haifa |
Zhao, Yi | Georgia State University |