Arithmetic geometry of orthogonal and unitary Shimura varieties
Arriving Sunday, June 3 and departing Friday June 8, 2012
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Achter, Jeff | Colorado State University |
Amir-Khosravi, Zavosh | Univerity of Toronto |
Andreatta, Fabrizio | University of Milano |
Attwell-Duval, Dylan | McGill University |
Bruinier, Jan | TU Darmstadt |
Burgos Gil, Jose | ICMAT |
Cheung, Amy | McGill University |
de Shalit, Ehud | Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Ehlen, Stephan | Darmstadt University |
Eischen, Ellen | University of Oregon |
Fiori, Andrew | McGill University |
Freixas, Gerard | CNRS - Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu |
Goertz, Ulrich | Universität Duisburg-Essen |
Goren, Eyal | McGill University |
Greenberg, Matthew | University of Calgary |
Helm, David | University of Texas |
Hörmann, Fritz | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
Howard, Benjamin | Boston College |
Kramer, Jurg | Humboldt University Berlin |
Kudla, Stephen | University of Toronto |
Kuehn, Ulf | Universitaet Hamburg |
Madapusi Pera, Keerthi | Harvard University |
Mok, Chung Pang | McMaster University |
Nicole, Marc-Hubert | Université Aix-Marseille II |
Prasanna, Kartik | University of Michigan |
Rapoport, Michael | Universitat Bonn |
Sankaran, Siddarth | University of Toronto |
Shin, Sug Woo | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Smithling, Brian | University of Toronto |
Terstiege, Ulrich | Universitaet Duisburg-Essen |
Vasiu, Adrian | Binghamton University |
Voight, John | University of Sydney |
von Pippich, Anna | Humboldt University Berlin |
Walls, Patrick | McMaster University |
Wedhorn, Torsten | Paderborn University |
Zemel, Shaul | Darmstadt Technical University |
Zhang, Chao | University of Milano&Leiden University |