Integrable Systems and Moduli Spaces

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, McGill University
- 09:46
Real bundles on real varieties
Watch video | Download video: 201308260902-Hurtubise.mp4 (219M)
, Stony Brook University
- 10:42
Real-normalized differentials and the geometry of the moduli space of curves
Watch video | Download video: 201308260953-Grushevsky.mp4 (214M)
, University of Toronto
- 14:55
Geometry of dented pentagram maps
Watch video | Download video: 201308261413-Soloviev.mp4 (88M)
, Bennington College
- 15:55
Chern-Simons invariants, determinant of Laplacian, and tau functions
Watch video | Download video: 201308261514-McIntyre.mp4 (126M)
, Central Michigan University
- 16:46
Tautological relations via the Abel–Jacobi map
Watch video | Download video: 201308261605-Zakharov.mp4 (216M)
, Boston University
- 18:15
Projective curve parameters and abelian integrals
Watch video | Download video: 201308261705-Previato.mp4 (222M)
, University of California, Davis
- 09:49
Quantum curves and topological recursion
Watch video | Download video: 201308270905-Mulase.mp4 (195M)
, University of Melbourne
- 10:46
A quantum curve for Gromov-Witten invariants of P1
Watch video | Download video: 201308271000-Norbury.mp4 (190M)
, Goethe Universität Frankfurt Am Main
- 11:48
Commensurability of non-arithmetic lattices in PU(1,n)
Watch video | Download video: 201308271105-Moeller.mp4 (179M)
, University of Sheffield
- 14:35
Stability conditions and quadratic differentials
Watch video | Download video: 201308271338-Bridgeland.mp4 (273M)
, Boston College
- 15:43
Exceptional strata of quadratic differentials in low genus
Watch video | Download video: 201308271458-Chen.mp4 (179M)
, University of Alberta
- 16:47
Mirror symmetry for orbifold Hurwitz numbers
Watch video | Download video: 201308271558-Bouchard.mp4 (209M)
- 17:23
Transition asymptotics for the sine-kernel determinant
Watch video | Download video: 201308271707-Bothner.mp4 (71M)
, Concordia University
- 17:41
On Alternative derivation of Goldman Bracket
Watch video | Download video: 201308271725-Chowdhury.mp4 (54M)
, Higher School of Economics Moscow
- 09:49
On computation of universal polynomials for characteristic classes of singularities
Watch video | Download video: 201308280908-Lando.mp4 (169M)
, National Research University Higher School of Economics
- 10:43
Symplectic Geometry of Topological Recursion
Watch video | Download video: 201308281002-Kazarian.mp4 (187M)
, University of Amsterdam
- 11:46
Local topological recursion and Givental theory
Watch video | Download video: 201308281101-Shadrin.mp4 (201M)
, University of Minnesota
- 09:50
The BV Formalism and the Cohomology of Moduli Spaces
Watch video | Download video: 201308290909-Voronov.mp4 (178M)
, Versailles University
- 10:58
Cohomological relations on Mg,n via 3-spin structures
Watch video | Download video: 201308291006-Zvonkine.mp4 (201M)
, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 11:51
Why ħ~2g-2+n and (p, q) minimal models
Watch video | Download video: 201308291109-Borot.mp4 (178M)
, University of Amsterdam
- 14:25
Hurwitz spaces and divisors on moduli spaces of curves
Watch video | Download video: 201308291335-vanderGeer.mp4 (222M)
, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- 15:46
The universal theta divisor over the moduli space of curves
Watch video | Download video: 201308291454-Farkas.mp4 (228M)
, Leiden University, The Netherlands
- 16:48
Torus bundles and 2-forms on the universal family of Riemann surfaces
Watch video | Download video: 201308291604-deJong.mp4 (213M)
, Stony Brook University
- 17:37
Real Normalized Differentials: Degenerations
Watch video | Download video: 201308291719-Norton.mp4 (72M)
, Freie Universität Berlin
- 09:53
Motives of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles and holomorphic chains
Watch video | Download video: 201308300914-Schmitt.mp4 (156M)
, Centre de recherches mathematiques, Universite de Montreal, and Concordia University
- 11:06
Tau functions as generators of integrable systems, random processes and moduli space invariants
Watch video | Download video: 201308301014-Harnad.mp4 (125M)