Participant Testimonials
This was an outstanding workshop which triggered a lot of discussions and exchanges. My main technical discussions have been with D. Gamarnik (MIT) on local algorithms, Augustin Chaintreau (Columbia) on random graphs, and Andrea Montanari (Stanford) on point processes.
My time at BIRS was indeed very stimulating. In addition to many interesting discussions, motivated by some of the talks in the workshop I have formulated a couple research problems, which I will begin working on soon. Thanks for providing such nice support and venue!
The workshop was a fantastic time to bring together people working on high dimensional inference and on the analysis of social network dynamics. I think we have rarely a chance to all interact and this was a perfect setting and size to get the most of this interaction. On my side, one of the person I met there who is in the same area will probably be joining my reading group and I hope that this will initiate a great collaboration. I also started chatting with another person about a possible follow up of her work. I think Banff, the excellent environment and the quality of the program made us all aware that they are potential research benefits that we had missed in our respective communities due to rush schedules. I look forward to attending more events organized at BIRS.
The workshop was very good and we had numerous interesting discussions. The posting of the talks online is great and a valuable asset for my students and the community more generally.