Participant Testimonials
In addition to congratulating the organizers, I want to thank you and your superb team at BIRS. They are outstanding. The workshop was extremely successful for me in many ways, probably the best workshop I have been to this year (out of 4). The scientific highlights for me were (a) new contacts with researchers in probability and statistics and the insight that I can incorporate many aspects of their presentations into my work; (b) new contact with one researcher in conservation ecology and the prospective of long term collaboration; (c) continuing work with existing collaborators on at least three projects. Thank you so much.
The workshop was amazing. Thank you so much. It was the first time, as far as I know, that there was a workshop devoted to the mathematics of cyclic populations, and it turned out to be an extremely good topic: It was focussed enough, so that everyone was interested in everyone else's talks, but rich enough to generate an enormous variety of mathematical approaches and ingenious experimental designs. In addition, the group gelled beautifully, and the discussion sessions were lively and very interesting. I am quite confident that the paper we started writing during the workshop will actually get finished. There is more about the paper in the report, which I hope to submit by the end of the week (it's written - I just need approval from my co-organisers).
It was such a splendid workshop of the size which make the communications and discussions with top active researchers in the field much more effective.