Participant Testimonials
This was a fantastic conference that really showcased the progress made in mathematical cell biology over the last 3 years (since the last such BIRS workshop). Not only was there great science, but also the participants have become a kind of interdisciplinary community (of mathematicians, physicists, engineers, and biologists) who can communicate with one another about an array of complex and important problems in the cell biology field. We were a bit amazed by the onset of winter at Banff in September (lots of snow!) but the atmosphere and communications were top-notch. Several new collaborations were initiated, and many old collaborations strengthened due to this workshop.
The conference in BIRS was fantastic. New ideas for a project, continuing collaborations and meeting new people.
The BIRS workshop Mathematics of the Cell: Integrating Genes Biochemistry and Mechanics was a very unique opportunity to meet leaders in cell biology who are utilizing the most advanced quantitative approaches model the cell. It was a wonderful experience to meet with the scientists, engineers and mathematicians in a true synthesis of ideas that has yielded such amazing advances in biology by collaborating across disciplines and generating an integrated and holistic understanding of the cell.
The BIRS meeting on Mathematics of the cell, was very good. I learned a lot and group seemed extremely collegiate and open minded towards each others' ideas. It is too early to say anything about collaborations of papers, yet, but it certainly provided a new spectrum of contacts for emerging questions in my laboratory.
BIRS provides a fantastic environment for cutting edge scientific discussions among the leaders in my field.