Modern Techniques in Discrete Optimization: Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications
Arriving Sunday, November 1 and departing Friday November 6, 2015
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Ahmed, Shabbir | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Alfaro Montufar, Carlos Alejandro | Bank of Mexico |
Alvarado, Matías | CINVESTAV-IPN |
Anstreicher, Kurt | University of iowa |
Araujo, Gabriela | UNAM |
Basu, Amitabh | Johns Hopkins |
Bienstock, Daniel | Columbia University |
Blanco, Victor | Universidad de Granada |
Blekherman, Greg | Georgia Tech |
Bremner, David | University of New Brunswick |
Calvillo, Gilberto | UNAM |
Chavez, Laura | Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana |
De Loera, Jesús | University of California, Davis |
Dey, Santanu | Georgia Tech |
Deza, Antoine | McMaster University |
Dong, Hongbo | Washington State University |
Figueroa, Ana Paulina | ITAM |
Gunluk, Oktay | IBM |
Hochbaum, Dorit | UC Berkeley |
Koeppe, Matthias | University of California, Davis, Department of Mathematics |
Krishnamoorthy, Bala | Washington State University |
Lee, Jon | University of Michigan |
Merino, Criel | UNAM |
Moran, Diego | Virginia Tech |
Morris Jr., Walter D. | George Mason University |
Parrilo, Pablo | |
Pokutta, Sebastian | Georgia Tech |
Possani, Edgar | ITAM-Mexico |
Puerto, Justo | Universidad de Sevilla |
Rios, Roger | UANL |
Rodriguez Sanchez, Maria Guadalupe | Univ. Autonoma de la Ciudad de Mexico |
Rodríguez Villalobos, Cynthia | University of Waterloo |
Romero, David | IMUNAM |
Rothvoss, Thomas | University of Washington |
Rubio Montiel, Christian | UNAM |
Skipper, Daphne | Georgia Regents University |
Stephen, Tamon | Simon Fraser University |
Toriello, Alejandro | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Tuncel, Levent | University of Waterloo |
Valencia Oleta, Carlos Enrique | Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute |
Vallejo, Ernesto | Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas |
Vielma, Juan Pablo | MIT |
Villarreal Marroquín, María Guadalupe | CIMAT |
Yusun, Timothy | Simon Fraser University |
Zaragoza, Francisco J. | UAM Azcapotzalco |