Modern Techniques in Discrete Optimization: Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications

Arriving Sunday, November 1 and departing Friday November 6, 2015

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Ahmed, Shabbir Georgia Institute of Technology
Alfaro Montufar, Carlos Alejandro Bank of Mexico
Alvarado, Matías CINVESTAV-IPN
Anstreicher, Kurt University of iowa
Araujo, Gabriela UNAM
Basu, Amitabh Johns Hopkins
Bienstock, Daniel Columbia University
Blanco, Victor Universidad de Granada
Blekherman, Greg Georgia Tech
Bremner, David University of New Brunswick
Calvillo, Gilberto UNAM
Chavez, Laura Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
De Loera, Jesús University of California, Davis
Dey, Santanu Georgia Tech
Deza, Antoine McMaster University
Dong, Hongbo Washington State University
Figueroa, Ana Paulina ITAM
Gunluk, Oktay IBM
Hochbaum, Dorit UC Berkeley
Koeppe, Matthias University of California, Davis, Department of Mathematics
Krishnamoorthy, Bala Washington State University
Lee, Jon University of Michigan
Merino, Criel UNAM
Moran, Diego Virginia Tech
Morris Jr., Walter D. George Mason University
Parrilo, Pablo
Pokutta, Sebastian Georgia Tech
Possani, Edgar ITAM-Mexico
Puerto, Justo Universidad de Sevilla
Rios, Roger UANL
Rodriguez Sanchez, Maria Guadalupe Univ. Autonoma de la Ciudad de Mexico
Rodríguez Villalobos, Cynthia University of Waterloo
Romero, David IMUNAM
Rothvoss, Thomas University of Washington
Rubio Montiel, Christian UNAM
Skipper, Daphne Georgia Regents University
Stephen, Tamon Simon Fraser University
Toriello, Alejandro Georgia Institute of Technology
Tuncel, Levent University of Waterloo
Valencia Oleta, Carlos Enrique Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute
Vallejo, Ernesto Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas
Vielma, Juan Pablo MIT
Villarreal Marroquín, María Guadalupe CIMAT
Yusun, Timothy Simon Fraser University
Zaragoza, Francisco J. UAM Azcapotzalco