Participant Testimonials
I enjoyed my stay at CMO in several ways and found the workshop useful for my future research. I wish to extend a special thank to Florin Diacu, Jaume Llibre and Ernesto Perez-Chavela for their really hard work to give us such an amazing week of maths. Special thanks to all the people behind CMO-BIRS program, this is one of the best activities that I have seen. I hope some day, to give back in a similar way, all the great experiences that I enjoyed during my time in Oaxaca.
We have really enjoyed our stay at CMO, the workshop was a big success, we had the participation of top researchers in our subject. The informal discussions and open problems sessions were great. During our stay at CMO, I have started a couple of new research projects with different participants and almost finished a paper which I have started more than one year ago with another one. I have also benefitted by the fact that two participants arrived one week earlier to México, and other two departed one week later, with this in my University, we have had four excellent visiting professors who contributed with talks and interesting discussions with our students. Personally I have progressed a lot in my research projects with them. Summarizing, I consider that CMO-BIRS is helping in the development of the Mexican Mathematical Society and in the formation and stimulation of our students. I really appreciate the opportunity to organize this workshop.
The workshop was absolutely great! The location was extremely pleasant and the lectures as well as the discussion about open problems were amazingly fruitful. It was for me the starting point of new collaborations as well as of at least two new research projects. It was an excellent conference with many interesting talks, and is an excellent opportunity for experts to communicate with each other. The atmosphere for top research was outstanding. Almost everybody was impressed by the organization and helpfulness of the staff and by the quality of meals.
Università degli Studi di Torino
The conference was very well organized. The registration process, the accommodation, and the food was first class. It was nice to see that my prior work was referenced by several speakers. The contact with these speakers has encouraged me to continue working on the N-body problem despite the fact that I am retired. It appears that interest in celestial mechanics has diminished in the USA, but it was encouraging to see that around the world there are still vigorous research groups in this area.
My current research was impacted after I attended the CMO-BIRS workshop. A new project will start soon. I will recruit an undergraduate as research assistant to work on one problem that I learnt from the workshop. There is something new I can ask my student to investigate. I will collaborate with other professors to test whether our variational method with SPBC can be used to study Vortex problem. The CMO-BIRS workshop is the most fruitful conference I ever attended.
Department of Mathematics and Economics, Virginia State University