Sandpile Groups

Arriving Sunday, November 15 and departing Friday November 20, 2015

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Alfaro Montufar, Carlos Alejandro Bank of Mexico
Antonio Soto, Pedro Alberto Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Backman, Spencer Sapienza University of Rome
Braun, Benjamin University of Kentucky
Cartwright, Dustin University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Chan, Melody Brown University
Chan, Swee Hong Cornell University
Corrales Sanchez, Hector Hugo Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute
Corry, Scott Lawrence University
Dochterman, Anton Texas State University
Duval, Art University of Texas at El Paso
Florescu, Laura New York University
Garay, Cristhian Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)
Garcia, Rebecca Sam Houston State University
Garcia Puente, Luis Sam Houston State University
Glass, Darren Gettysburg College
Hincapié Hincapié, Yuliana Maria Cinvestav (IPN)
Hopkins, Sam Howard University
Huss, Wilfried Cornell University
KALININ, Nikita University of Geneva
Kaplan, Nathan UC Irvine
Keough, Lauren Davidson College
Kiss, Viktor Eötvös Loránd University
Klivans, Caroline Brown University
Koplewitz, Shaked Yale University
Labardini-Fragoso, Daniel UNAM
Levine, Lionel Cornell University
Levy, Avi University of Washington
López de Medrano, Lucia UNAM
Lopez Valdez, Hiram Habid Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute
Lozano Huerta, Cesar UNAM Oaxaca
Lupercio, Ernesto Centro de Investigacion del IPN
Manjunath, Madhusudan University of California Berkeley
Martin, Jeremy University of Kansas
Merino, Criel UNAM
Munguía Villanueva, Eréndira Universidad del Papaloapan
Musiker, Gregg University of Minnesota
Payne, Sam Yale University
Perkinson, David Reed College
Reiner, Victor University of Minnesota
Shkolnikov, Mikhail University of Geneva
Shokrieh, Farbod Cornell University
Tóthmérész, Lilla Eötvös Loránd University
Valencia Oleta, Carlos Enrique Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute
Villagrán Olivas, Ralihe Raúl Cinvestav-IPN
Yuen, Chi Ho Georgia Institute of Technology