Sandpile Groups
Arriving Sunday, November 15 and departing Friday November 20, 2015
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Alfaro Montufar, Carlos Alejandro | Bank of Mexico |
Antonio Soto, Pedro Alberto | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Backman, Spencer | Sapienza University of Rome |
Braun, Benjamin | University of Kentucky |
Cartwright, Dustin | University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Chan, Melody | Brown University |
Chan, Swee Hong | Cornell University |
Corrales Sanchez, Hector Hugo | Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute |
Corry, Scott | Lawrence University |
Dochterman, Anton | Texas State University |
Duval, Art | University of Texas at El Paso |
Florescu, Laura | New York University |
Garay, Cristhian | Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) |
Garcia, Rebecca | Sam Houston State University |
Garcia Puente, Luis | Sam Houston State University |
Glass, Darren | Gettysburg College |
Hincapié Hincapié, Yuliana Maria | Cinvestav (IPN) |
Hopkins, Sam | Howard University |
Huss, Wilfried | Cornell University |
KALININ, Nikita | University of Geneva |
Kaplan, Nathan | UC Irvine |
Keough, Lauren | Davidson College |
Kiss, Viktor | Eötvös Loránd University |
Klivans, Caroline | Brown University |
Koplewitz, Shaked | Yale University |
Labardini-Fragoso, Daniel | UNAM |
Levine, Lionel | Cornell University |
Levy, Avi | University of Washington |
López de Medrano, Lucia | UNAM |
Lopez Valdez, Hiram Habid | Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute |
Lozano Huerta, Cesar | UNAM Oaxaca |
Lupercio, Ernesto | Centro de Investigacion del IPN |
Manjunath, Madhusudan | University of California Berkeley |
Martin, Jeremy | University of Kansas |
Merino, Criel | UNAM |
Munguía Villanueva, Eréndira | Universidad del Papaloapan |
Musiker, Gregg | University of Minnesota |
Payne, Sam | Yale University |
Perkinson, David | Reed College |
Reiner, Victor | University of Minnesota |
Shkolnikov, Mikhail | University of Geneva |
Shokrieh, Farbod | Cornell University |
Tóthmérész, Lilla | Eötvös Loránd University |
Valencia Oleta, Carlos Enrique | Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute |
Villagrán Olivas, Ralihe Raúl | Cinvestav-IPN |
Yuen, Chi Ho | Georgia Institute of Technology |