Neostability Theory
Arriving Sunday, July 12 and departing Friday July 17, 2015
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Andrews, Uri | University of Wisconsin--Madison |
Bello Aguirre, Ricardo Isaac | University of Leeds |
Berenstein, Alexander | Universidad de Los Andes |
Boney, Will | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Carmona, Juan | Universidad de los Andes - Université Lyon 1 |
Casanovas, Enrique | Universitat de Barcelona |
Celis Martinez, Alonso Lenin | UNAM |
Chernikov, Artem | University of California, Los Angeles |
Conant, Gabriel | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Corredor, Luis | Universidad de los Andes |
Dolich, Alfred | Kingsborough Community College (CUNY) |
García, Darío | Universidad de los Andes |
Goldbring, Isaac | University of Illinois at Chicago |
Goodrick, John | Universidad de los Andes |
Guingona, Vincent | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
Harrison-Shermoen, Gwyneth | Wesleyan University |
Haskell, Deirdre | McMaster University |
Hasson, Assaf | Ben Gurion University |
Hempel, Nadja | Universite Lyon 1 |
Johnson, Will | University of California at Berkeley |
Kaplan, Itay | Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Kim, Byunghan | Yonsei University |
Kolesnikov, Alexei | Towson University |
Krupinski, Krzysztof | Uniwersytet Wroclawski |
Laskowski, Chris | University of Maryland |
Leon Sanchez, Omar | McMaster University |
MacPherson, Dugald | University of Leeds |
Martin Pizarro, Amador | University of Freiburg |
Mazari Armida, Marcos | Facultad de Ciencias UNAM |
Newelski, Ludomir | Uniwersytet Wroclawski |
Onshuus, Alf | Universidad de los Andes |
Pillay, Anand | University of Notre Dame |
Ramsey, Nick | University of California Los Angeles |
Rideau, Silvain | École normale Supéreure, Université Paris-Sud |
Ruiz Guido, Carlos Alfonso | Oxford University |
Rzepecki, Tomasz | Czech Academy of Sciences, Uniwersytet Wroclawski |
Scanlon, Thomas | University of California, Berkeley |
Simon, Pierre | Université Lyon 1 |
Starchenko, Sergei | University of Notre Dame |
Steinhorn, Charles | Vassar College |
Sustretov, Dmitry | Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Vojdani, Somayeh | University of Notre Dame |
Wagner, Frank | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Walsberg, Erik | UCLA |
Ziegler, Martin | Mathematisches Institut Freiburg |