Painleve Equations and Discrete Dynamics
Videos from BIRS Workshop
Masatoshi Noumi, Kobe University
Monday Oct 3, 2016 09:03 - 09:47
Elliptic hypergeometric integrals and elliptic interpolation functions
Nalini Joshi, The University of Sydney
Monday Oct 3, 2016 09:48 - 10:31
The Painlevé Equations and Discrete Asymptotics
Teruhisa Tsuda, Hitotsubashi University
Monday Oct 3, 2016 11:01 - 11:47
Hermite-Pade approximation, isomonodromic deformation and hypergeometric integral
Eric Rains, California Institute of Technology
Monday Oct 3, 2016 11:48 - 12:39
The noncommutative geometry of difference equations
John Harnad, Centre de recherches mathematiques, Universite de Montreal, and Concordia University
Monday Oct 3, 2016 14:17 - 15:01
Weighted Hurwitz numbers, topological recursion and isomonodromic deformations
Marco Bertola, Concordia University
Monday Oct 3, 2016 15:29 - 16:13
The Kontsevich matrix integral and Painleve hierarchy; rigorous asymptotics and universality at the soft edges of the spectrum in random matrix theory
Nobutaka Nakazono, The University of Sydney
Monday Oct 3, 2016 16:14 - 16:51
Reduction from ABS equations to $A_4^{(1)}$-surface q-Painleve equations
Claude Viallet, CNRS / Université de Pierre et Marie Curie
Tuesday Oct 4, 2016 09:01 - 09:46
Polynomial sequences from birational dynamics
Hidetaka Sakai, University of Tokyo
Tuesday Oct 4, 2016 09:49 - 10:27
A rigid, irreducible Fuchsian linear q-difference equation can be reduced to a 1st order equation by integral transformations
Marta Mazzocco, University of Birmingham
Tuesday Oct 4, 2016 11:00 - 11:44
Colliding holes in Riemann surfaces
Peter Clarkson, University of Kent
Tuesday Oct 4, 2016 11:45 - 12:29
Orthogonal Polynomials and Integrable Systems
Motohico Mulase, University of California, Davis
Tuesday Oct 4, 2016 13:29 - 14:14
Quantization of Hitchin spectral curves as opers
Oleg Lisovyi, Université François Rabelais de Tours
Tuesday Oct 4, 2016 14:16 - 15:02
Fredholm determinants, Nekrasov sums, and isomonodromic tau functions
Manuela Girotti, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Tuesday Oct 4, 2016 15:28 - 16:02
"Integrable" gap probabilities for the Generalized Bessel process
Frank Nijhoff, University of Leeds
Wednesday Oct 5, 2016 08:59 - 09:42
The integrable structure behind linear discrete dynamics
Holger Dullin, University of Sydney
Wednesday Oct 5, 2016 09:44 - 10:28
Diary on a map
Vasilisa Shramchenko, Universite de Sherbrooke
Wednesday Oct 5, 2016 10:59 - 11:44
Algebro-geometric solutions to Painleve VI and Schlesinger systems
Yuri Suris, Technical University of Berlin
Thursday Oct 6, 2016 09:00 - 09:43
A construction of a large family of integrable symplectic birational maps
Dmitry Korotkin, Concordia University
Thursday Oct 6, 2016 09:46 - 10:41
Periods of meromorphic quadratic differentials and Goldman bracket
Akane Nakamura, University of Sydney
Thursday Oct 6, 2016 10:59 - 11:44
Isospectral limit of the Painleve-type equations and degeneration of curves
Anton Izosimov, University of Toronto
Thursday Oct 6, 2016 11:45 - 12:30
Pentagrams, inscribed polygons, and Prym varieties
Alexander Aleksandrov, IBS Centre for Geometry and Physics
Thursday Oct 6, 2016 13:30 - 14:13
Open intersection numbers, integrability and Virasoro constraints
Christopher Ormerod, University of Maine
Thursday Oct 6, 2016 14:16 - 14:56
A symmetric differential-difference Lax Pair for the sixth Painleve equation
Alisa Knizel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thursday Oct 6, 2016 15:28 - 15:42
Moduli spaces of q-connections and gap probabilities
Pieter Roffelsen, The University of Sydney
Thursday Oct 6, 2016 15:48 - 16:11
On critical expansions of solutions of the discrete Painleve equation $q$-$P(A_1)$ and corresponding monodromy
Emma Previato, Boston University
Thursday Oct 6, 2016 16:14 - 16:39
Aspects of Painleve VI