Participant Testimonials
It was generally useful for me to meet people in the analytic combinatorics area, and see their technique and results. More directly, from the conference I am led to work of Pemantle and Wilson which I'm optimistic will provide tools to finish a proof of an old open problem I've been stalled on for years.
The workshop brought me new problems, new collaborations, and new techniques. I also had the opportunity to advertise the job positions open in my team.
The workshop helped me to meet with some colleagues and it turned out that we are working on closely related questions. A research collaboration has been initiated and within the frame of this collaboration I have an invitation to Taiwan in the following weeks. I wish your organization a long and prospering future.
This was a stunning event in the most beautiful area imaginable. I don't travel much, so it was a chance to see several people again after a long interruption.
Mathematics, Stellenbosch University