Set Theory and its Applications in Topology
Arriving Sunday, September 11 and departing Friday September 16, 2016
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Bartosova, Dana | University of Sao Paulo |
Bergfalk, Jeffrey | Cornell University |
Blass, Andreas | University of Michigan |
Brech, Christina | University of São Paulo |
Brendle, Joerg | Kobe University |
Chodounsky, David | Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences |
Cummings, James | Carnegie Mellon University |
de Rancourt, Noé | Université Paris Diderot |
Di Prisco, Carlos | Universidad de los Andes |
Dobrinen, Natasha | University of Denver |
Dow, Alan | University of North Carolina, Charlotte |
Eisworth, Todd | Ohio University |
Fernández Bretón, David | Cinvestav |
Guzman, Osvaldo | UNAM |
Hernandez Gutierrez, Rodrigo Jesús | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa |
Hrusak, Michael | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Juhász, Isván | Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, ELKH |
Koszmider, Piotr | Polish Academy of Sciences |
Kwiatkowska, Aleksandra | University of Wrocław |
Larson, Paul | Miami University |
Martínez, Carlos | University of Concepción |
Martinez Celis Rodriguez, Arturo Antonio | UNAM |
Meza-Alcantara, David | UNAM |
Mildenberger, Heike | Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg |
Moore, Justin | Cornell Univsersity |
Mota, Miguel Angel | Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico |
Neeman, Itay | University of California at Los Angeles |
Ongay Valverde, Ivan | York University |
Peng, Yinhe | University of Toronto |
Pichardo Mendoza, Roberto | UNAM |
Piña, Claribet | Universidad de los Andes |
Raghavan, Dilip | National University of Singapore |
Ramos-García, Ulises Ariet | UNAM |
Rinot, Assaf | Bar-Ilan University |
Sabok, Marcin | McGill University |
Shibakov, Alexander | Tennessee Tech University |
Smythe, Iian | Cornell University |
Solecki, Slawomir | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Steprans, Juris | York University |
Todorcevic, Stevo | University of Toronto |
Tornquist, Asger | University of Copenhagen |
Torres-Perez, Victor | Vienna University of Technology |
Tserunyan, Anush | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Uzcategui, Carlos | Universidad Industrial de Santander |
van Mill, Jan | University of Amsterdam |
Weiss, William | University of Toronto |
Zapletal, Jindrich | University of Florida |