Participant Testimonials
It was a very enjoyable meeting, with a number of interesting presentations and potential for collaborations. With Abbas and Yuval, we have already solved one problem: Given an arbitrary graph, the push/pull rumour spreading model has a discrete time and continuous time versions. We can show that on a graph of sie n, the continuous time version is at most n^{1/3} faster than the discrete time version, which is best possible. This should be written soon. I have also been discussing other questions with Ewa (on avoidance coupling) Yuval and Elisabetta (diameter of SPA models), and have hope for some new results there.
The workshop was definitely a highlight of the year - stimulating talks, interactions and open problems, keeping me at the forefront of the field, new contacts and one new collaboration.
The workshop was really great. I have learnt some new results and also spent a lot of time collaborating with other researchers.
This was a fantastic workshop, and I got to know more closely a few major figures in my community. Especially the informal gatherings during meals were very beneficial in communicating with other participants, and I made a few very good contacts.
I am very happy about my visit at BIRS last week, because I feel very inspired by it. I got to know new people to collaborate with and many new questions/problems for my research. I am also very grateful to the organizers. It was very well and smoothly organized. I hope that there will be further opportunities for me to come to Banff in the future!