Automorphic Forms, Mock Modular Forms and String Theory

Arriving Sunday, October 29 and departing Friday November 3, 2017

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Berg, Marcus Karlstad University
Bossard, Guillaume Polytechnique, CNRS
Braverman, Alexander University of Toronto
Brubaker, Benjamin University of Minnesota
Bump, Daniel Stanford University
Cosnier-Horeau, Charles Jussieu Paris 6
Creutzig, Thomas University of Alberta
D'Hoker, Eric UCLA
Friedberg, Solomon Boston College
Fuchs, Jürgen Karlstad University
Gannon, Terry University of Alberta
Garland, Howard Yale University
Gerken, Jan Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam
Gourevitch, Dmitry Weizmann Institute of Science
Green, Michael Cambridge University
Gurevich, Nadya Ben Gurion University in the Negev
Gustafsson, Henrik Chalmers University of Technology
Harvey, Jeff University of Chicago
Hohenegger, Stefan Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Jiang, Dihua University of Minnesota
Keller, Christoph ETH Zürich
Kim, Henry Toronto
Kleinschmidt, Axel Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Kudla, Stephen University of Toronto
Lee, Kyu-Hwan University of Connecticut
Leslie, Spencer Boston College
Nicolai, Hermann AEI Potsdam
Patnaik, Manish University of Alberta
Persson, Daniel Chalmers University of Technology
Pioline, Boris LPTHE
Raum, Martin Chalmers University of Technology
Sahi, Siddhartha Rutgers University
Savin, Gordan University of Utah
Sayag, Eitan Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Segal, Avner University of British Columbia
Speh, Birgit Cornell university
Tourkine, Piotr University of Cambridge
Vigneras, Marie-France Jussieu Paris 7
Volpato, Roberto Padua University
Wendland, Katrin Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Zhang, Zhuohui Rutgers