Symmetry Breaking in Discrete Structures

Videos from CMO Workshop

, Colgate University
- 10:17
Symmetry Breaking
Watch video | Download video: 201809170931-Tucker.mp4 (153M)
, University of Warwick
- 11:41
Distinguishing numbers of infinite graphs with bounded degrees
Watch video | Download video: 201809171100-Lehner.mp4 (147M)
, University of Auckland
- 12:15
Distinguishing number of vertex-transitive graphs of valency 4
Watch video | Download video: 201809171200-Verret.mp4 (58M)
, AGH University of Science and Technology
- 15:02
Bounds for the distinguishing index of finite graphs
Watch video | Download video: 201809171431-Kalinowski.mp4 (104M)
, AGH University of Science and Technology
- 15:52
Distinguishing vertices of a graph: automorphisms and palettes
Watch video | Download video: 201809171516-Wozniak.mp4 (150M)
, Shiraz University
- 17:01
The number of different distinguishing colorings of a graph
Watch video | Download video: 201809171632-Shekarriz.mp4 (100M)
, Yazd University
- 17:29
Symmetry breaking in maximal outerplanar, regular and Cayley graphs
Watch video | Download video: 201809171706-Alikhani.mp4 (74M)
, University of Chicago
- 10:00
My view on symmetry breaking, part 1
Watch video | Download video: 201809180903-Babai.mp4 (121M)
, University of Chicago
- 11:26
Symmetry breaking - my view, part 2
Watch video | Download video: 201809181031-Babai.mp4 (150M)
, University of Chicago
- 12:27
Efficient symmetry breaking for graphs via coherent configurations: the emergence of the Johnson graphs
Watch video | Download video: 201809181142-Babai.mp4 (129M)
, University of Chicago
- 15:16
Minimal degree of the automorphism group of primitive coherent configurations
Watch video | Download video: 201809181430-Kivva.mp4 (139M)
, University of Chicago
- 16:36
The Sun--Wilmes classification of primitive coherent configurations with many automorphisms
Watch video | Download video: 201809181600-Kivva.mp4 (111M)
, University of Calgary
- 09:37
Symmetry Breaking of Countable Homogeneous Structures
Watch video | Download video: 201809190858-Laflamme.mp4 (201M)
, Technische Universität Graz
- 10:20
The costs of symmetry breaking vertex-transitive cubic graphs
Watch video | Download video: 201809190949-Lachmann.mp4 (252M)
, Comenius University in Bratislava
- 12:13
Distinguishing Sierpiński products of graphs
Watch video | Download video: 201809191147-Zemljic.mp4 (84M)
, University of Primorska
- 11:06
Bounds and invariants of semiprimitive groups
Watch video | Download video: 201809201033-Morgan.mp4 (236M)
, University of Bristol
- 12:02
The distinguishing number of semiprimitive groups
Watch video | Download video: 201809201132-Harper.mp4 (116M)
, Vanderbilt University
- 15:56
Distinguishing partitions and asymmetric uniform hypergraphs
Watch video | Download video: 201809201515-Ellingham.mp4 (165M)
, Wellesley College
- 17:00
The Distinguishing Number and Posets, Part I
Watch video | Download video: 201809201630-Trenk.mp4 (118M)
, Wesleyan University
- 17:40
The Distinguishing Number and Posets, Part II
Watch video | Download video: 201809201705-Collins.mp4 (182M)
, Un iversity of Auckland
- 09:41
Restricting symmetry (rather than breaking it)
Watch video | Download video: 201809210904-Conder.mp4 (119M)
, Montanuniversität Leoben
- 10:08
A view of uncountable graphs
Watch video | Download video: 201809210946-Imrich.mp4 (70M)