Participant Testimonials
My participation in the CMO-BIRS workshop impacted my current research in that I started a new project with Francesca Arici and Mathai Varghese ( a new collaborator ) who were also among the participants. We are already starting to write a draft of a paper ! We hope we can finalise it in a couple of months. We definitively got a fresh insight and new result on a project that Arici and myself had been working on for sometime.
Mathematics, University of Trieste
Being a mathematician, it was really useful to meet physicists working on topological materials and learn about their perspectives.
Mathematisches Institut, Universität Göttingen
The workshop at CMO last week on topological phases of interacting systems was a great success. The program was a balanced mix of mathematicians and theoretical physicists. Almost all talks generated animated discussion. I learned a lot and came home with new ideas that will simulate my research for time to come. It was my first visit to CMO and it was a totally wonderful experience . The facilities and services were all one could wish for. Oaxaca is an attractive destination and I am sure the many participates who traveled long and far (from Europe, Israel, Japan, Australia etc.) did not regret a minute that they made the trip.
There were many interesting talks. Also I had the opportunity to get to know many colleagues from around the world.