Participant Testimonials
It was a fantastic meeting. It provides me with a lot of solid information about the signal processing of the GW done until now with ML techniques and more general information about the theory of their generation. I applied before ML to audio signals and this background is useful for me when I am discovering the challenges facing the processing of GW. The workshop inspired me a lot and it is very motivating to meet people working in the field. I will propose also the study of the signals involved in the detection of GW to students of my faculty.
División de Estudios de Posgrado, Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca
The BIRS workshop was very valuable to me as it provided an overview of the latest advances in machine learning applied to gravitational-wave science, as well as a review of the challenges and open questions that need to be solved to render these new techniques robust and widely applicable in the field. There is no doubt that machine learning will play an ever increasing role in the detection and characterization of gravitational waves. I left the meeting with new ideas for projects in the field which I will pursue with students and postdocs in my research group. Undoubtedly, even in a difficult time as the current pandemic year, this workshop was a tremendous success. I am very grateful to BIRS and CMO for the opportunity they provided, and their support and hospitality.
Physics, Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology
The workshop brought the cutting-edge research applications of machine learning in gravitational-wave astronomy. It introduced new research that I was not aware of, and also helped me understand better work that I did not follow well. I left the conference with new ideas and new tools to try out in research. The workshop connected me to other graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in the field.
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign
This was a very well run conference in a beautiful setting. I knew Oaxaca was beautiful before arriving but I was pleasantly surprised by the lovely setting of the hotel and the quality of the services provided by the local organizers of the conference.
Physics, University of Texas at Austin