Participant Testimonials
This workshop was a "goldilocks" amalgam of applied mathematicians, physicists and real experimentalists, brought together to confront the different approaches to the inverse problem of inferring mechanisms from observed phenomena in multi-agent systems. I learned a lot and I am sure that this will be true for all the participants, and we were all from different fields. I met a number of people that I had not before. I have picked up multiple new directions and techniques for my research program going forward.
My participation in the BIRS workshop stimulated fresh interest in the connection between theory and experiments in biological soft matter. Topic selection was excellent and at the forefront of research.
This workshop was a very useful experience for me and provoked me to systematize my research results. This systematization always arises as a new quality. Thank you for your invitation. I'm delighted if you found my speech interesting.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Ivana Pajic-Lijakovic, scientific advisor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy