Using Quantum Invariants to do Interesting Topology

Videos from CMO Workshop

, Duke University
- 10:31
Using Heegaard Floer homology to construct interesting 4-manifolds
Watch video | Download video: 202210240930-Levine.mp4 (226M)
, University of Toronto
- 12:05
Cars, Interchanges, Traffic Counters, and a Pretty Darned Good Knot Invariant
Watch video | Download video: 202210241100-Bar-Natan.mp4 (110M)
, Rutgers University - Newark
- 13:11
Khovanov homology and knotted surfaces
Watch video | Download video: 202210241215-Hayden.mp4 (67M)
, University of British Columbia
- 15:50
The Heegaard Floer theory of $(1,1)$-knots
Watch video | Download video: 202210241500-Marian.mp4 (203M)
, University of British Columbia
- 10:26
Strongly negative amphichiral knots and involutions on the 4-ball. 
Watch video | Download video: 202210250930-Boyle.mp4 (219M)
, Marseille
- 11:53
Triple point invariant and slice genus
Watch video | Download video: 202210251100-Moussard.mp4 (166M)
, Regensburg
- 13:12
Rasmussen invariants of Whitehead doubles and other satellites
Watch video | Download video: 202210251215-Lewark.mp4 (229M)
- 10:14
Khovanov Homology and the Involutive Heegaard Floer Homology of Branched Double Covers
Watch video | Download video: 202210260930-Zhang.mp4 (51M)
, U. of Southern California, and Michigan State U.
- 12:04
Asymptotics of certain quantum invariants
Watch video | Download video: 202210261100-Bonahon.mp4 (267M)
- 10:31
Rasmussen invariants in other 3-manifolds
Watch video | Download video: 202210270930-Willis.mp4 (248M)
, University of Georgia
- 11:51
Knot invariants and symmetric unions
Watch video | Download video: 202210271100-Kose.mp4 (188M)
, Stanford
- 13:08
Ring-valued knot invariants from crossing colorings
Watch video | Download video: 202210271215-Hugelmeyer.mp4 (222M)
- 15:55
Annular links, double branched covers, and annular Khovanov homology
Watch video | Download video: 202210271500-Martin.mp4 (166M)