Lagrangian Multiform Theory and Pluri-Lagrangian Systems

Videos from IASM Workshop

, University of Leeds
- 10:15
Lagrangian multiform theory and pluri-Lagrangian systems - a brief introduction
Watch video | Download video: 202310230945-Nijhoff.mp4 (98M)
, Loughborough University
- 12:00
Multi-time Euler-Lagrange equations and double zeroes
Watch video | Download video: 202310231115-Vermeeren.mp4 (93M)
, Technical University of Berlin
- 14:30
What is the pluri-Lagrangian structure good for?
Watch video | Download video: 202310231345-Suris.mp4 (89M)
, University of New South Wales
- 15:00
Integrable lattice models of statistical mechanics and Lagrangian multiform theory
Watch video | Download video: 202310231430-Kels.mp4 (74M)
, Shenzhen University
- 16:00
Meromorphic solutions of the autonomous Schwarzian differential equations
Watch video | Download video: 202310231530-Wu.mp4 (34M)
, Naresuan University
- 16:45
Multidimensional consistency and quantum variational principle: quadratic Lagrangian 1-form
Watch video | Download video: 202310231600-Yoo-Kong.mp4 (46M)
, University of Leeds
- 17:30
A Lagrange multiform for the Darboux-KP system derived from infinite dimensional Chern-Simons theory
Watch video | Download video: 202310231700-FariaMartins.mp4 (48M)
, Perimeter Institute Canada
- 10:15
Diffeomorphism symmetry in the discrete and perfect discretizations
Watch video | Download video: 202310240930-Dittrich.mp4 (59M)
, The University of Northern Colorado
- 10:45
Combinatorics of Matrix Refactorizationns and Discrete Integrable Systems
Watch video | Download video: 202310241015-Dzhamay.mp4 (83M)
, Nagoya University
- 12:00
4d WZW models and a unified theory of integrable systems
Watch video | Download video: 202310241115-Hamanaka.mp4 (67M)
, University of Tokyo
- 14:30
Tetrahedron and 3D reflection equations from quantum cluster algebras
Watch video | Download video: 202310241345-Kuniba.mp4 (60M)
, Shanghai University
- 15:00
Boundary Lagrangian formalism for integrable quad-equations
Watch video | Download video: 202310241430-Zhang.mp4 (55M)
, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
- 16:00
Applications of elliptic functions in solving the Boussinesq equation
Watch video | Download video: 202310241530-Sun.mp4 (40M)
, Liverpool Hope University
- 16:45
Hierarchies of differential-difference equations, their master symmetries and Lagrangian formulation
Watch video | Download video: 202310241600-Xenitidis.mp4 (93M)
, University of York
- 17:45
Gauge theory and integrable systems
Watch video | Download video: 202310241700-Vicedo.mp4 (123M)
, University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities
- 10:15
Two new developments for Noether's two theorems
Watch video | Download video: 202310250930-Olver.mp4 (78M)
, Sichuan University
- 10:45
Matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials and non-commutative integrable systems
Watch video | Download video: 202310251015-Li.mp4 (51M)
, Keio University
- 12:00
Discrete Lagrangian multiforms on the difference variational bicomplex
Watch video | Download video: 202310251115-Peng.mp4 (69M)
, University of Leeds
- 14:30
On the construction of Lagrangian multiforms for infinite and finite dimensional integrable hierarchies
Watch video | Download video: 202310251345-Caudrelier.mp4 (84M)
, Zhengzhou University
- 15:00
Algebro-geometric solutions to the lattice potential modified Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation
Watch video | Download video: 202310251430-Xu.mp4 (34M)
, University of Leeds
- 16:00
Lagrangian multiform for the rational Gaudin model
Watch video | Download video: 202310251530-Singh.mp4 (60M)
, Shanghai University
- 16:30
On the discrete Burgers equation
Watch video | Download video: 202310251600-Zhang.mp4 (33M)
, Shandong University of Science and Technology and Ohio State University
- 10:15
KP solitons, the Riemann theta functions and their possible applications to soliton gases
Watch video | Download video: 202310260930-Kodama.mp4 (68M)
, Peking University
- 10:45
On the full Kostant-Toda lattice and the flag varieties
Watch video | Download video: 202310261015-Xie.mp4 (54M)
, Ningbo University
- 12:00
Liouville correspondences between the integrable systems and their dual integrable systems
Watch video | Download video: 202310261115-Qu.mp4 (68M)
, Tsinghua University
- 10:15
Hybrid integrable systems
Watch video | Download video: 202310270930-Reshetikhin.mp4 (64M)
, University of Science and Technology in China
- 10:45
The constrained KP hierarchy and the bigraded Toda hierarchy
Watch video | Download video: 202310271015-Cheng.mp4 (32M)
, University of Science and Technology in China
- 10:45
The constrained KP hierarchy and the bigraded Toda hierarchy
Watch video | Download video: 202310271015-Yang.mp4 (37M)

Special Notice:

The videos for IASM workshop 23w5043 are available here: