A Unified View of Quasi-Einstein Manifolds

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, University of Munster
- 10:00
Homogeneous Einstein manifolds
Watch video | Download video: 202304240900-Boehm.mp4 (196M)
, Universidade Federal do Ceara
- 11:30
An overview on four-dimensional gradient shrinking Ricci solitons
Watch video | Download video: 202304241030-Ribeiro,Jr.mp4 (56M)
, Iowa State University
- 14:30
The fundamental gap in Euclidean, spherical, and hyperbolic spaces
Watch video | Download video: 202304241330-Nguyen.mp4 (74M)
, University of Edinburgh
- 15:45
A survey of near-horizon geometries
Watch video | Download video: 202304241445-Lucietti.mp4 (78M)
, University of Toronto
- 17:00
A synthetic null energy condition
Watch video | Download video: 202304241600-McCann.mp4 (81M)
, University of Califronia, Irvine
- 09:45
On the \(L^p\) spectrum of complete Riemannian manifold
Watch video | Download video: 202304250900-Lu.mp4 (51M)
, University of Freiburg
- 10:45
Characterization of the null energy via displacement convexity of entropy
Watch video | Download video: 202304251000-Ketterer.mp4 (45M)
- 11:45
Maximal volume entropy rigidity for RCD spaces
Watch video | Download video: 202304251100-Perales.mp4 (50M)
, Chalmers University and the University of Gothenburg
- 14:45
The \(L^p\)-Laplace spectrum of conformally compact manifolds.
Watch video | Download video: 202304251400-Rowlett.mp4 (56M)
, University of Connecticut
- 15:45
The structure of manifolds with positive spectrum
Watch video | Download video: 202304251500-Munteanu.mp4 (49M)
, UC Santa Barbara
- 16:45
Fundamental Gap Estimates on Positively Curved Surfaces
Watch video | Download video: 202304251600-Tuerkoen.mp4 (51M)
, Pacific University
- 09:45
Well-posedness of geometric flows on manifolds of bounded geometry
Watch video | Download video: 202304260900-Guenther.mp4 (53M)
- 10:45
Stochastic Bergman Geometry
Watch video | Download video: 202304261000-Cho.mp4 (62M)
, KTH Stockholm
- 09:45
A new mass-type invariant for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds
Watch video | Download video: 202304270900-Kroncke.mp4 (53M)
, University of California, Santa Barbara
- 10:45
Positive Mass Theorem for Manifolds with Fibered Euclidean Ends
Watch video | Download video: 202304271000-Dai.mp4 (62M)
, University of California, Santa Cruz
- 11:45
On asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein manifolds
Watch video | Download video: 202304271100-Qing.mp4 (55M)
, McMaster University
- 14:45
Special solutions of the quasi-Einstein equations
Watch video | Download video: 202304271400-Kunduri.mp4 (50M)
, The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
- 15:45
On the Kerr-AdS near horizon geometry
Watch video | Download video: 202304271500-Gunasekaran.mp4 (37M)
, Syracuse University
- 16:45
Quasi-Einstein metrics and related equations on homogeneous spaces
Watch video | Download video: 202304271600-Wylie.mp4 (54M)
, UC Berkeley
- 09:45
Existence of expanding Ricci solitons asymptotic to cones with nonnegative scalar curvature
Watch video | Download video: 202304280900-Chen.mp4 (128M)
, Politecnico di Milano
- 10:45
Two rigidity results for stable minimal hypersurfaces
Watch video | Download video: 202304281000-Catino.mp4 (52M)
, Saitama University
- 11:45
Various curvature conditions on weighted Ricci curvature and geometric analysis
Watch video | Download video: 202304281100-Sakurai.mp4 (54M)