Modeling and Theory in Population Biology

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, University of North Carolina
- 11:35
The role of theory in evolutionary biology
Watch video | Download video: 202401111110-Servedio.mp4 (27M)
, Stanford University
- 12:00
Reflections on theoretical population biology then and now
Watch video | Download video: 202401111135-Feldman.mp4 (29M)
, Rockefeller University
- 12:25
Prime numbers, variance functions, beetle larvae, aphids, and tornadoes: research in mathematical population biology leads to unexpected applications
Watch video | Download video: 202401111200-Cohen.mp4 (42M)
, ETH - Zurich
- 12:50
Theoretical population biology in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Watch video | Download video: 202401111225-Stadler.mp4 (31M)
, University of Washington
- 13:00
Forensic population genetics
Watch video | Download video: 202401171200-Weir.mp4 (124M)
, Simon Fraser University
- 11:00
& Maria Servedio: Theory job search advice & career challenges in Math/Stat/Physics departments
Watch video | Download video: 202401301000-MacPherson.mp4 (282M)
, University of Oxford
- 11:00
Tutorial: Software series, "Coalescent simulation with msprime"
Watch video | Download video: 202402131000-Otto.mp4 (115M)
, University of California, Berkeley
- 11:00
Recorded interview with Montgomery Slatkin
Watch video | Download video: 202402201000-Slatkin.mp4 (111M)
, Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon
- 12:30
Where do phylogenetic trees come from?
Watch video | Download video: 202402281200-Bienvenu.mp4 (34M)
, Brown University
- 13:00
Modeling introgression at linked loci
Watch video | Download video: 202402281230-Miyagi.mp4 (49M)
, Cornell University
- 13:00
Tutorial: Software series - "SLiM"
Watch video | Download video: 202403131200-Haller.mp4 (55M)
, Simon Fraser University
- 11:00
Panel discussion: Modeling & Theory Community series - "Strategies for teaching mathematical topics in population biology"
Watch video | Download video: 202403201000-MacPherson.mp4 (121M)
, UC Berkeley
- 12:30
A fast approximate maximum likelihood phylogenetic placement method scalable for massive environmental DNA datasets
Watch video | Download video: 202404031200-Huerta-Sanchez.mp4 (48M)
, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 13:00
Toward a unified theory of microbially mediated invasion
Watch video | Download video: 202404031230-Martignoni.mp4 (44M)
, Brown University
- 11:00
Population genetics and Wikipedia
Watch video | Download video: 202404091000-Diaz-Papkovich.mp4 (74M)
, University of California, Davis
- 11:00
Models in service of conservation and restoration management: lessons from kelp forest systems
Watch video | Download video: 202404161000-Baskett.mp4 (88M)
, University of Edinburgh
- 13:00
Interview: Reflections on the History of Modeling and Theory series
Watch video | Download video: 202404241200-Charlesworth.mp4 (229M)
, Institute For Advanced Study in Toulouse
- 12:30
Efficiency and resilience of cooperation in asymmetric social dilemmas
Watch video | Download video: 202405011200-Kieshnina.mp4 (38M)
, Queen Mary University London
- 13:00
A mathematical analysis of the mutational landscape in cancer before and after treatment
Watch video | Download video: 202405011230-Stein.mp4 (41M)
, Columbia University
- 13:20
Birth and death processes in phylogenetics and population genetics
Watch video | Download video: 202405081205-Tavare.mp4 (34M)
, Ecole Normale Superiure
- 12:55
Ages, sizes and (trees within) trees of taxa: Modernity and rejuvenation of the Yule 1925 model
Watch video | Download video: 202405081230-Lambert.mp4 (34M)
, Emory University
- 13:20
Phylogenetic models in infectious disease epidemiology and evolution
Watch video | Download video: 202405081255-Koelle.mp4 (37M)
, University of Edinburgh
- 11:00
Interview: Reflections on the History of Modeling and Theory series
Watch video | Download video: 202405141000-Charlesworth.mp4 (535M)
, Simon Fraser University
- 10:19
A call for Bayesian inference in local adaptation: what we can and can not learn from reciprocal transplant data [SESSION TITLE: SPATIAL MODELS]
Watch video | Download video: 202405200954-MacPherson.mp4 (89M)
, Emory University
- 11:05
Challenges for selective sweep inference in spatially structured populations
Watch video | Download video: 202405201041-Weissman.mp4 (157M)
, Carnegie Mellon University
- 11:37
Topological puzzles in biology: how structure shapes a system's evolution
Watch video | Download video: 202405201106-Carja.mp4 (96M)
, University of London
- 13:31
Biological modelling: some average research [SESSION TITLE: POPULATION MODELS, GENERAL PRINCIPLES]
Watch video | Download video: 202405201307-Broom.mp4 (59M)
, Yale University
- 14:06
On biological laws
Watch video | Download video: 202405201331-Ogbunu.mp4 (107M)
, Simon Fraser University
- 14:34
A theory, not just a theory, or not even a theory? Strengths and pitfalls of quantitative modelling
Watch video | Download video: 202405201409-Colijn.mp4 (85M)
, University of Otago
- 15:01
Flavors of history in population modelling
Watch video | Download video: 202405201434-Spencer.mp4 (130M)
, Duke University
- 09:29
Effect of genetic diversity on FST and LD
Watch video | Download video: 202405210904-Uyenoyama.mp4 (67M)
, Brown University
- 09:47
Detecting introgression from multiple archaic populations
Watch video | Download video: 202405210930-Huerta-Sanchez.mp4 (59M)
, University of Toronto
- 10:30
Locating genetic ancestors with ancestral recombination graphs
Watch video | Download video: 202405210954-Osmond.mp4 (69M)
, University of Toronto
- 10:30
Locating genetic ancestors with ancestral recombination graphs
Watch video | Download video: 202405210954-Wakeley.mp4 (86M)
, University of Kentucky
- 11:47
Too big to (not) fail: scale, size, & critical transitions in social groups
Watch video | Download video: 202405211113-VanCleve.mp4 (104M)
, University of Exeter
- 13:30
The evolutionary consequences of learning under competition [SESSION TITLE: COMPETITION, COOPERATION & CONFLICT]
Watch video | Download video: 202405211307-Dall.mp4 (60M)
, Stanford University
- 13:48
Cultural evolution modeling of move choice in chess
Watch video | Download video: 202405211331-Lappo.mp4 (61M)
, University of Arizona
- 14:18
Fitness: how to get rid of it
Watch video | Download video: 202405211351-Masel.mp4 (71M)
, University of Arizona
- 14:42
A unified framework for interference and exploitative competition: synthesizing classic ecological and evolutionary game theory models
Watch video | Download video: 202405211418-Smith.mp4 (68M)
, Emmanuel College
- 15:20
Nonlinear social evolution and the emergence of collective action
Watch video | Download video: 202405211443-Allen.mp4 (77M)
, Stanford University
- 09:56
Enumeration in mathematical phylogenetics: we are not afraid
Watch video | Download video: 202405220927-Rosenberg.mp4 (83M)
, Stanford University
- 10:20
Enumeration of rooted binary perfect phylogenies
Watch video | Download video: 202405220956-Shiff.mp4 (64M)
, University of St. Andrews
- 11:15
PoMo via RevBayes: inferring phylogenies, disentangling GC-bias and balancing selection
Watch video | Download video: 202405221047-Kosiol.mp4 (136M)
, University of Rochester
- 12:06
Interpreting principal components analysis
Watch video | Download video: 202405221139-Peter.mp4 (41M)
, Queen's University
- 09:30
Modeling the distribution of fitness effects of new mutations [SESSION TITLE: SELECTION AND ADAPTATION]
Watch video | Download video: 202405230905-Day.mp4 (78M)
, University of Toronto
- 10:17
The role of epigenetics in evolutionary rescue
Watch video | Download video: 202405230956-Deraje.mp4 (60M)
, Cornell University
- 11:09
Modeling piRNA defense against transposable elements
Watch video | Download video: 202405231039-Clark.mp4 (45M)
, University of Washington
- 11:31
The cost of acquiring information by natural selection
Watch video | Download video: 202405231110-Bergstrom.mp4 (56M)
, University of Washington
- 11:31
The cost of acquiring information by natural selection
Watch video | Download video: 202405231110-Weinreich.mp4 (74M)
, Brown University
- 11:58
Modifier Theory: The Population Genetics of Phenotypic Noise
Watch video | Download video: 202405231131-Weinreich.mp4 (57M)
, Emory
- 14:54
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of costly antipredator behavior: autotomy and offspring burden
Watch video | Download video: 202405231430-Mehta.mp4 (66M)
, University of British Columbia
- 15:13
On the fast track: hybrids adapt more rapidly than parental populations in a novel environment
Watch video | Download video: 202405231454-Wiley.mp4 (67M)
, University of New South Wales
- 16:10
Why is facultative parthenogenesis uncommon? [SESSION TITLE: MODES OF REPRODUCTION]
Watch video | Download video: 202405231545-Tanaka.mp4 (65M)
, University of British Columbia
- 16:38
Evolution when selection occurs in both haploid and diploid phases
Watch video | Download video: 202405231611-Otto.mp4 (83M)
, University of British Columbia
- 09:23
A small change can make a big difference: capturing vital rate heterogeneity in Leslie matrices [SESSION TITLE: DEMOGRAPHY AND STAGE STRUCTURE]
Watch video | Download video: 202405240904-Forsythe.mp4 (51M)
, University of Kansas
- 09:50
Evolutionary rescue and spatial adaptation under sexual and asexual reproduction: combining stage-structured models and quantitative phenotypes
Watch video | Download video: 202405240924-Orive.mp4 (67M)
, Free University of Berlin
- 10:13
Scaling stochastic molecular dynamics to demographic change in structured populations
Watch video | Download video: 202405240950-Steiner.mp4 (59M)
, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 10:59
Modeling cultural and demographic interactions among prehistoric populations [SESSION TITLE: CULTURAL AND SOCIAL EVOLUTION]
Watch video | Download video: 202405241032-Kolodny.mp4 (79M)
, Stanford University
- 11:20
Modelling Constant and Stochastically Variable Conformity
Watch video | Download video: 202405241100-Denton.mp4 (56M)
, Vanderbilt University
- 11:43
Theoretical approaches to understanding cultural change in birds and humans
Watch video | Download video: 202405241120-Creanza.mp4 (77M)