Combinatorial Nonpositive Curvature

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, University of Cambridge
- 09:49
Surface groups among cubulated groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409020905-Wilton.mp4 (275M)
, McGill University
- 10:33
Trees, fixed points, and the Cremona group
Watch video | Download video: 202409020950-Przytycki.mp4 (242M)
, Cornell University
- 11:36
A flat torus theorem for quadric complexes
Watch video | Download video: 202409021050-Hoda.mp4 (270M)
, Lafayette College
- 14:05
Manifold models for dual Artin groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409021322-Dougherty.mp4 (159M)
, University of Wrocław
- 16:15
Helly groups and relative hyperbolicity
Watch video | Download video: 202409021534-Valiunas.mp4 (229M)
, University of Wroclaw
- 09:45
Drilling hyperbolic groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409030900-Osajda.mp4 (289M)
, Louisiana State University
- 10:33
L^2-homology of right-angled Coxeter groups based on barycentric subdivisions
Watch video | Download video: 202409030950-Schreve.mp4 (228M)
, Vanderbilt University
- 11:23
The semi-simple theory of acylindricity in higher rank
Watch video | Download video: 202409031051-Fernos.mp4 (173M)
, University of Bristol
- 13:21
Rigidity for certain families of non-positively curved Artin groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409031300-Vaskou.mp4 (24M)
, University of Copenhagen
- 13:42
(co-)Hopfian Artin groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409031325-BlufsteinGarcia.mp4 (82M)
, Oxford University
- 14:10
Subgroups of word hyperbolic groups in dimension 2 over arbitrary rings
Watch video | Download video: 202409031350-Bader.mp4 (115M)
, University of California Santa Cruz
- 14:35
Surfaces in arithmetic complexes
Watch video | Download video: 202409031414-Brody.mp4 (70M)
, McGill University
- 15:01
A small-cancellation condition for relative hyperbolicity
Watch video | Download video: 202409031440-Munro.mp4 (95M)
, McGill University
- 15:53
Hyperfiniteness of boundary actions of graphical small cancellation groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409031530-Karpinski.mp4 (106M)
, University of Cambridge
- 16:16
The Cohen-Lyndon property
Watch video | Download video: 202409031555-Arenas.mp4 (124M)
- 16:37
Torsion subgroups of small cancellation groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409031620-Duda.mp4 (61M)
, University of Oxford
- 17:08
Lifting relations in right orderable groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409031645-Linton.mp4 (143M)
, McGill University
- 17:31
Bipodality and the parallel wall theorem for Coxeter groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409031710-Kristof-Tessier.mp4 (110M)
, Aix-Marseille Université
- 09:43
Boundary rigidity of finite CAT(0) cube complexes
Watch video | Download video: 202409040900-Chepoi.mp4 (197M)
, Cornell University
- 09:45
Some negatively curved 3-dimensional pseudomanifolds without cubulations.
Watch video | Download video: 202409050901-Manning.mp4 (237M)
, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- 10:35
Growth of automorphisms of special groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409050950-Fioravanti.mp4 (196M)
, University of Sydney
- 13:41
Divergence and hypergraph index for general Coxeter groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409051300-Thomas.mp4 (121M)
, University of Auckland
- 14:31
Groups acting on R-buildings
Watch video | Download video: 202409051350-Schillewaert.mp4 (211M)
, Heidelberg University
- 15:42
Conjugation in Euclidean isometry groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409051500-Schwer.mp4 (149M)
, McGill University
- 16:16
Curvature of Shephard Groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409051551-Goldman.mp4 (131M)
, Vanderbilt University
- 09:43
One-ended halfspaces in group splittings
Watch video | Download video: 202409060859-Shepherd.mp4 (209M)
, Ohio State University
- 10:41
Subgroups arising from connected components in Morse boundaries of right-angled Coxeter groups
Watch video | Download video: 202409060951-Karrer.mp4 (229M)