Participant Testimonials

May 05 - May 10, 2024

I learned a lot about set-theoretic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation and have begun working on questions that came out of the open problem sessions held during the conference. Overall, it was a rewarding experience that I hope will eventually lead to new collaborations.

Jason Bell Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo

The BIRS workshop "Skew Braces, Braids and the Yang-Baxter Equation" has been a great opportunity for the European and the American research communities in YBE to converge. I have personally felt it as a melting pot of ideas that were original, yet familiar: people from the other side of the world sharing their insight on my same field of research, but under a completely different perspective---an event which was, in my opinion, very impactful on the future of my field. I was personally inspired, and led to new ideas. Non-secondarily, I got to know people to whom I may refer, in the future, should I trespass into their area of expertise. Although I only attended online, I was engaged as if in person, due to the outstanding technological facilities of the BIRS.

Davide Ferri Department of Mathematics , Università di Torino