Contemporary Challenges in Trefftz Methods, from Theory to Applications

Videos from CMO Workshop

, University of Delaware
- 10:42
The ultra weak variational formulation of Maxwell's equations
Watch video | Download video: 202405130930-Monk.mp4 (83M)
, University Vienna
- 11:30
Embedded Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin methods
Watch video | Download video: 202405131100-Stocker.mp4 (36M)
, University of Göttingen
- 12:00
Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Stokes problem
Watch video | Download video: 202405131130-Voulis.mp4 (36M)
, Monmouth University
- 13:17
Preconditioning strategies for discontinuous Galerkin plane wave Trefftz methods: a single element analysis
Watch video | Download video: 202405131250-Coyle.mp4 (30M)
, University of Göttingen
- 10:27
The Trefftz approach for unfitted finite element methods
Watch video | Download video: 202405141000-Lehrenfeld.mp4 (34M)
, University of Milano-Bicocca
- 11:26
Space-time ultra-weak discontinuous Galerkin method for the Schrödinger equation
Watch video | Download video: 202405141100-Gomez.mp4 (33M)
, CITMAga - University of A Coruña
- 12:19
A modal-basis partition of unity finite element method for frequency-dependent layered time-harmonic wave propagation problems
Watch video | Download video: 202405141130-PrietoAneiros.mp4 (59M)
, University of Pavia
- 12:53
A quasi-Trefftz DG method for the diffusion-advection-reaction equation with piecewise-smooth coefficients
Watch video | Download video: 202405141230-Perinati.mp4 (26M)
- 13:25
Quasi-Trefftz method for solving aeroacoustic problem
Watch video | Download video: 202405141300-Lagardere.mp4 (27M)
, University Vienna
- 18:30
NGSTrefftz: Add-on to NGSolve for Trefftz methods
Watch video | Download video: 202405141630-Stocker.mp4 (80M)
, ETH Zurich
- 10:12
Coupling finite elements and Trefftz approximations
Watch video | Download video: 202405160900-Hiptmair.mp4 (84M)
, Inria
- 10:40
Watch video | Download video: 202405161000-Barucq.mp4 (48M)
, Sorbonne University
- 12:05
New plane wave basis with strong orthogonality properties
Watch video | Download video: 202405161100-Despres.mp4 (73M)
, University of Eastern Finland
- 13:00
Electromagnetic wave simulation with ultra-weak variational formulation.
Watch video | Download video: 202405161230-Lahivaara.mp4 (39M)
, University of Notre Dame
- 13:26
HDG for diffusion
Watch video | Download video: 202405161300-Fu.mp4 (31M)
, The University of Akron, OH
- 16:41
Trefftz approximations of fields in complex media
Watch video | Download video: 202405161630-Tsukerman.mp4 (148M)
, University of Tennessee
- 09:58
ParaSDG: a parallel-adaptive spacetime solver for hyperbolic and parabolic systems
Watch video | Download video: 202405170900-Abedi.mp4 (82M)