Stochastics and Geometry

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, Iowa State University
- 10:00
Ergodicity and convergence to equilibrium for Langevin dynamics with general potentials
Watch video | Download video: 202409090907-Herzog.mp4 (168M)
, Bonn University
- 11:21
Non-reversible lifts of reversible diffusion processes and relaxation times
Watch video | Download video: 202409091030-Eberle.mp4 (142M)
, University of Cambridge
- 15:10
Scaling limits for subcritical planar Laplacian growth models
Watch video | Download video: 202409091415-Norris.mp4 (233M)
, Lehigh University
- 16:19
Non-Markovian coupling of sub-Riemannian diffusions
Watch video | Download video: 202409091529-Neel.mp4 (127M)
- 16:50
Onsager-Machlup functional for SLE loop measure
Watch video | Download video: 202409091622-Carfagnini.mp4 (96M)
, University of Ottawa
- 17:17
Stochastic Lagrange-Poincaré reduction
Watch video | Download video: 202409091655-Saha.mp4 (58M)
, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- 09:55
Stochastic quantization of Yang-Mills
Watch video | Download video: 202409100900-Shen.mp4 (176M)
, University of Toronto
- 13:45
Ricci limit flows and weak solutions
Watch video | Download video: 202409101302-Haslhofer.mp4 (158M)
, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics - Bonn
- 14:44
Conformally invariant random geometry on manifolds of even dimension
Watch video | Download video: 202409101403-Kopfer.mp4 (124M)
, University of Melbourne
- 16:19
Moment asymptotics for the parabolic Anderson model in thehyperbolic space
Watch video | Download video: 202409101530-Geng.mp4 (149M)
, Lehigh University
- 16:46
Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities on homogeneous spaces
Watch video | Download video: 202409101620-Luo.mp4 (77M)
, Queen's University, Canada
- 17:15
A Bochner formula on parabolic path space for the Ricci flow
Watch video | Download video: 202409101650-Kennedy.mp4 (64M)
, Technische Universität and WIAS Berlin
- 09:47
Brownian rough paths in irregular geometries
Watch video | Download video: 202409110901-Friz.mp4 (63M)
, University of Northern Colorado
- 09:55
Uniform volume doubling for the unitary group $U(2)$
Watch video | Download video: 202409120900-Eldredge.mp4 (145M)
, University of Notre Dame
- 11:21
Roots of random polynomials under differential flows
Watch video | Download video: 202409121030-Hall.mp4 (131M)
, University of British Columbia
- 13:49
Heat kernel estimates for boundary trace of reflected diffusions
Watch video | Download video: 202409121300-Murugan.mp4 (159M)
, University of Sussex
- 14:56
Large $N$ limit of the Yang-Mills measure on closed surfaces
Watch video | Download video: 202409121401-Dahlqvist.mp4 (186M)
, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
- 16:40
Limit theorems for $p$-domain functionals of stationary Gaussian fields
Watch video | Download video: 202409121616-Maini.mp4 (76M)
, University of Cyprus
- 09:51
On the $L^p$ spectrum
Watch video | Download video: 202409130900-Charalambous.mp4 (69M)
, University of Connecticut
- 11:06
Spectrum of some Markov semigroups on Carnot groups of step 2 via intertwining
Watch video | Download video: 202409131040-Sarkar.mp4 (33M)
, Northwestern University
- 11:58
Stochastic completeness of the Teichmuller space
Watch video | Download video: 202409131107-Hsu.mp4 (261M)