Formation of Looping Networks - from Nature to Models

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, CNRS & Université de Paris
- 09:31
Introduction and Welcome by the organisers
Watch video | Download video: 202407080907-Cornelissen.mp4 (70M)
, Université de Paris
- 10:05
The scale of river networks
Watch video | Download video: 202407080934-Devauchelle.mp4 (128M)
, University of Trento
- 11:06
River loops morphodynamics: integrating theory with remote sensing observations
Watch video | Download video: 202407081036-Ragno.mp4 (93M)
, North Carolina State University
- 11:41
Tissue geometry and lung branching mode selection
Watch video | Download video: 202407081106-Lubkin.mp4 (59M)
, University of Franche-Comté
- 13:35
From understanding road networks patterns to modeling their evolution
Watch video | Download video: 202407081310-Lagesse.mp4 (112M)
- 14:55
Looping networks in developing tissues
Watch video | Download video: 202407081420-Villoutreix.mp4 (117M)
, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)
- 15:59
Developmental Dynamics of Complex, Space-Sharing Networks: To Ensnarl or Not To Ensnarl?
Watch video | Download video: 202407081533-Modes.mp4 (71M)
, IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca
- 16:59
Branching patterns and loops in the networks made by social insects
Watch video | Download video: 202407081624-Perna.mp4 (121M)
, Université Paris-Cité
- 10:01
Morphogenesis of fern venation
Watch video | Download video: 202407090936-LeScao.mp4 (78M)
, University of Warsaw
- 10:56
Experimental and computer modeling insights into endothelial cell network formation in vasculogenesis
Watch video | Download video: 202407091033-Wrzos.mp4 (68M)
, Universidad de Chile
- 11:33
Branched Structures: From Non-Equilibrium Physics to Biological Organogenesis
Watch video | Download video: 202407091058-Bordeu.mp4 (107M)
, University of Calgary
- 13:40
What “we think” we know, and what we don’t know, about vascular patterning in plants
Watch video | Download video: 202407091311-Cieslak.mp4 (104M)
, Clark University
- 14:07
Navigation of complex pore networks by magnetotactic bacteria
Watch video | Download video: 202407091340-Petroff.mp4 (75M)
, University of Warsaw
- 14:33
Goldilocks Fluctuations: Dynamic Constraints on Loop Formation in Scale-Free Transport Networks
Watch video | Download video: 202407091407-Lisicki.mp4 (68M)
, University of Pennsylvania
- 15:03
Pulsatility as a mechanism for loop stabilization in vascular systems
Watch video | Download video: 202407091433-Chatterjee.mp4 (46M)
, University of Arizona
- 16:10
Making microvascular networks work: angiogenesis, remodeling and pruning
Watch video | Download video: 202407091542-Secomb.mp4 (97M)
, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- 16:37
When do vascular networks with redundancy outperform those without?
Watch video | Download video: 202407091610-Corvera.mp4 (69M)
, Stanford University
- 09:36
One path through the leaf venation network
Watch video | Download video: 202407100908-Boyce.mp4 (67M)
, Old Technologies
- 10:02
Exploring crack formation in elastic materials using mass spring models
Watch video | Download video: 202407100938-Kot.mp4 (99M)
, University of Coimbra
- 10:57
The formation of loops in blood vessel networks - resilience, flow and therapy
Watch video | Download video: 202407101032-Travasso.mp4 (68M)
, CNRS & Université de Paris
- 11:29
Morphogenesis of the gastrovascular canal network in discomedusae: Variability and possible mechanisms
Watch video | Download video: 202407101057-Cornelissen.mp4 (98M)
, CNRS/Université de Paris
- 10:02
Vascular network and the origin of humans
Watch video | Download video: 202407110938-Fleury.mp4 (77M)
, University of Belgrade
- 10:56
The shape of rivers in the laboratory and in nature
Watch video | Download video: 202407111031-Popovic.mp4 (65M)
, University of Florida
- 11:21
Stability of dissolution fronts in fractured rocks
Watch video | Download video: 202407111059-Ladd.mp4 (51M)
, University College London
- 14:00
Penguin huddling: a continuum model
Watch video | Download video: 202407111135-Harris.mp4 (79M)
, University of Warsaw
- 13:35
How to form a maze cave?
Watch video | Download video: 202407111307-Szymczak.mp4 (80M)
, University of Pennsylvania
- 14:24
Intracellular transport and neuronal growth
Watch video | Download video: 202407111400-Sintavanuruk.mp4 (34M)
, University of Warsaw/Université Paris Cité
- 14:56
Breakthrough-Induced Loop Formation in Evolving Transport Networks
Watch video | Download video: 202407111425-Zukowski.mp4 (88M)
, Harvard John A. Paulson School Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
- 16:01
Emergent search strategies from the physics of fluid-driven branching
Watch video | Download video: 202407111535-Tauber.mp4 (75M)
, Facultad de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
- 16:25
Hepatic fibrosis model: The impact of fibrotic vascular changes on hemodynamics
Watch video | Download video: 202407111602-Torres.mp4 (66M)
, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
- 16:52
Space-filling optimization in branched vascular networks
Watch video | Download video: 202407111625-Ucar.mp4 (89M)
, University of Arkansas
- 09:35
Experimental Tests of Loop Stability in Coastal Channel Networks
Watch video | Download video: 202407120910-Shaw.mp4 (90M)
- 10:11
Transport in canal networks of the gastrovascular system during development of the jellyfish, Aurelia aurita
Watch video | Download video: 202407120936-Julien.mp4 (133M)
, University of Pennsylvania
- 11:00
Loopiness in networks of optimal exploration
Watch video | Download video: 202407121035-Katifori.mp4 (94M)
, CNRS - Université de Paris
- 11:29
Transition from Branched to Reticulated networks
Watch video | Download video: 202407121102-Douady.mp4 (102M)