Prospects for the String Axiverse
Arriving Sunday, January 12 and departing Friday January 17, 2025
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Agarwal, Naman | University of Winnipeg |
Apers, Fien | University of Oxford |
Bartram, Chelsea | SLAC National Lab |
Baryakhtar, Masha | University of Washington |
Benabou, Joshua | UC Berkeley |
Bonnefoy, Quentin | U. Strasbourg |
Brunelli, Luca | University of Bologna |
Burgess, Cliff | McMaster/Perimeter |
Caraffi, Luca | University of Bologna |
Carta, Federico | LIMS |
Chadha-Day, Francesca | Durham University |
Cheng, Junyi | Harvard University |
Cicoli, Michele | University of Bologna |
Cyncynates, David | University of Washington |
Dessert, Christopher | Flatiron Institute |
Ferreira, Elisa | University of Tokyo |
Foster, Joshua | Fermilab |
Garcia Garcia, Isabel | University of Washington |
Gendler, Naomi | Harvard University |
Hardy, Edward | University of Oxford |
He, Yang-Hui | London Institute for Mathematical Sciences & Merton College, Oxford University |
Hebecker, Arthur | Heidelberg University |
Heyes, Elli | City, University of London |
Jaeckel, Joerg | ITP Heidelberg |
Jain, Mudit | Kings College London |
Janssen, Oliver | EPFL |
Kavanagh, Bradley | CSIC |
Lague, Alex | University of Pennsylvania |
Licheri, Matteo | Bologna University |
Mahanta, Ratul | University of Winnipeg |
March-Russell, John | Oxford University |
Marsh, David | King's College London |
May, Simon | Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
McAllister, Liam | Cornell University |
McDonough, Evan | University of Winnipeg |
Moritz, Jakob | CERN |
Nee, Michael | Harvard University |
Niemeyer, Jens | Georg-Augunst University of Goettingen |
Parameswaran, Susha | University of Liverpool |
Piantadosi, Pellegrino | Bologna University |
Prabhu, Anirudh | Princeton University |
Putti, Margherita | DESY |
Reece, Matthew | Harvard University |
Reig, Mario | University of Oxford |
Righi, Nicole | King's College London |
Rogers, Keir | Imperial College London |
Rosa, João | Coimbra University |
Rybka, Gray | University of Washington |
Salemi, Chiara | UC Berkeley |
Schachner, Andreas | Cornell University and LMU Munich |
Sheridan, Elijah | Cornell |
Simon, Olivier | Princeton University |
Stadnik, Yevgeny | University of Sydney |
Sushkov, Alex | Johns Hopkins University |
Todarello, Elisa | University of Turin |
van Bibber, Karl | UC Berkeley |
Vander Ploeg Fallon, Sebastian | Cornell University |
Visinelli, Luca | Tsung-Dao Lee Institute |
Westphal, Alexander | DESY Hamburg |
Zavala Carrasco, Ivonne | Swansea University |