Multi-scale Stochastic Modeling of Cell Dynamics

Arriving Sunday, January 17 and departing Friday January 22, 2010

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Anderson, David University of Wisconsin-Madison
Best, Katharina Freiburg University
Charlebois, Daniel Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology, University of Ottawa
Cottrell, David McGill University
Emberly, Eldon Simon Fraser University
Fricks, John Arizona State University
Gedeon, Tomas Montana State University
Higham, Des University of Strathclyde
Kaern, Mads University of Ottawa
Kang, Hye-Won University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kou, Samuel Harvard University
Kurtz, Thomas University of Wisconsin
Kuske, Rachel University of British Columbia
Li, Jiaxu University of Louisville
Liu, Di Michigan State University
Mattingly, Jonathan Duke University
McMillen, David University of Toronto Mississauga
McSweeney, John SAMSI
Mischaikow, Konstantin Rutgers University
Mukherjee, Sayan Duke University
Othmer, Hans University of Minnesota
Perkins, Ted Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Pfaffelhuber, Peter University of Freiburg
Popovic, Lea Concordia university
Qian, Hong WSU
Rempala, Greg Medical College of Georgia
Santillan, Moises Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN
Scott, Matthew University of Waterloo
Swain, Peter University of Edinburgh (UK)
Tsimring, Lev University of California, San Diego
Tupper, Paul Simon Fraser University
Wang, Jin SUNY Stony Brook
Wilkinson, Darren Newcastle University
Williams, Ruth University of California, San Diego