Participant Testimonials
... It was a great experience to participate in the workshop at Banff Research Centre. This workshop gave me the opportunity to talk with many people in different areas with similar interest, and gave me a lot of ideas about my current research. Thank you very much again, and if there is a chance, I would like to visit Banff Research Centre to participate other workshops.
School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
Thank you and BIRS for providing such a scientific-friendly and comfortable environment for holding the wonderful workshop! I did learn the up to date knowledge on stochastic modeling of cell dynamics. I wish that I can participate some other events at BIRS some time later.
Not only did I attend a very interesting meeting and had the opportunity to establish new collaborations, but also enjoyed a beautiful landscape and comfortable facilities. In summary, I had a terrific time and I am sure that it will have a positive influence in my research. I hope I can come back in the near future.
Computational Systems Biology Lab, Monterrey Unit
In 2010, David Anderson, Des Higham and Ruth Williams were invited participants at a BIRS workshop on Multi-scale Stochastic Modeling of Cell Dynamics. Informal discussions that they had at that workshop spawned subsequent work on reflected diffusions as approximations to biochemical reaction networks. The development of this work proceeded over several years and ultimately involved extended related developments with a postdoc, Saul Leite. Two papers eminating from this serendipitous meeting at BIRS can be accessed here: DFA, DJH and RJW are very grateful to BIRS for facilitating their new research connection.