Participant Testimonials
My time allowed for substantial collaboration on an on-going project - an opportunity that is very valuable given a distracting daily schedule. Significant advances were achieved that would not have been otherwise.
Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina
The workshop has brought together people from different areas like representation theory, algebraic geometry (singularities) and matrix factorizations to discuss interactions between these fields. This has been very fruitful. I have learnt a lot about connections of my current research with other recent developments. It was very useful for me to meet my collaborator A.Takahashi to discuss our ongoing projects. There have been some questions arising in our common research which I presented at the end of my talk and where we needed help from experts of the other fields. This stimulated further discussions on these topics and gave me new insight in these problems. I noticed that some people picked up these questions and discussed them during the workshop. This might lead to further progress.
I had a wonderful experience in Oaxaca at CMO! The conference was excellent, the staff were friendly and helpful and the food was delicious! The CMO also offered me an opportunity to forward my research program with current collaborators and discuss new ideas with other researchers. All in all, I had a great time and would definitely love to come again.
Mathematics, University of Alberta
Wonderful and stimulating workshop.
Facultat de Matemàtiques, University of Barcelona
The theme of the workshop really fits my research area, so I learned a lot, getting new insights from the presentations in the workshop. Some things I have learned are very useful to my ongoing research projects. In addition, it is very stimulating to discuss possible new projects with participants. We strongly hope that we will make some future collaborations from this workshop. I thank the organizers to have invited me for such a wonderful workshop.