Preprojective Algebras Interacting with Singularities, Cohen-Macaulay Modules and Weighted projective Spaces

Videos from CMO Workshop

, Syracuse University
- 09:50
Cohen-Macaulay modules I
Watch video | Download video: 201510050902-Leuschke.mp4 (371M)
, Szczecin University
- 10:54
Weighted projective lines
Watch video | Download video: 201510051004-Meltzer.mp4 (336M)
, Osaka University
- 12:24
Introduction to the mirror symmetry between
Watch video | Download video: 201510051132-Takahashi.mp4 (384M)
, Leibniz Universität Hannover
- 13:24
Strange duality between hypersurface and complete intersection dualities
Watch video | Download video: 201510051235-Ebeling.mp4 (224M)
, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
- 16:21
Geigle-Lenzing spaces and d-canonical algebras
Watch video | Download video: 201510051531-Oppermann.mp4 (376M)
, University of Tokyo
- 17:55
Tilting theory for Geigle-Lenzing complete intersections
Watch video | Download video: 201510051701-Iyama.mp4 (448M)
, University Münster
- 18:53
Weighted projective spaces, crepant resolutions and tilting
Watch video | Download video: 201510051802-Hille.mp4 (547M)
, Syracuse University
- 09:51
Cohen-Macaulay modules II
Watch video | Download video: 201510060904-Leuschke.mp4 (411M)
, Universitat de Barcelona
- 10:56
Rosa-Maria Miro-Roig: The representation type of a projective variety
Watch video | Download video: 201510061004-Miro-Roig.mp4 (242M)
, Uppsala University
- 12:21
Higher preprojective algebras
Watch video | Download video: 201510061131-Herschend.mp4 (446M)
, Shizuoka University
- 13:16
n-regular modules over n-representation infinite algebra
Watch video | Download video: 201510061233-Mori.mp4 (288M)
, UNSW, Sydney
- 16:20
Algebraic stacks in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras
Watch video | Download video: 201510061530-Chan.mp4 (237M)
, Osaka University
- 17:51
Moduli of relations of quivers
Watch video | Download video: 201510061701-Ueda.mp4 (339M)
, University of Michigan
- 18:53
A McKay correspondence for reflection groups
Watch video | Download video: 201510061803-Faber.mp4 (421M)
, University of South Carolina
- 09:26
Where do derived equivalences come from?
Watch video | Download video: 201510070834-Ballard.mp4 (398M)
, Carleton University
- 10:22
Decorated Minimal Model Program
Watch video | Download video: 201510070934-Ingalls.mp4 (346M)
, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- 11:51
A version of preprojective algebras for symmetrizable Cartan matrices over an arbitrary field
Watch video | Download video: 201510071101-Geiss.mp4 (425M)
, University of Toronto
- 12:44
Preprojective structure on skew-group algebras associated to finite subgroups of SL(n, k)
Watch video | Download video: 201510071200-Thibault.mp4 (329M)
, Osaka Prefecture University
- 09:53
Tilting bundles on Fano algebras
Watch video | Download video: 201510080902-Minamoto.mp4 (463M)
, Lancaster University
- 10:53
Averaging of t-structures and extension closure of aisles
Watch video | Download video: 201510081007-Pauksztello.mp4 (308M)
, Mälardalen University
- 12:22
n-cluster-tilting modules of self-injective algebras
Watch video | Download video: 201510081131-Darpo.mp4 (514M)
, Lund University
- 13:23
Higher Nakayama Algebras
Watch video | Download video: 201510081232-Jasso.mp4 (379M)
, Nagoya University
- 16:01
Atom spectra of Geigle-Lenzing spaces and classification of Serre subcategories
Watch video | Download video: 201510081532-Kanda.mp4 (225M)
, Academica Sinica-Taipei
- 16:34
Spherical Hall algebra of a weighted projective curve
Watch video | Download video: 201510081608-Lin.mp4 (176M)
, University of Alberta
- 17:56
Comparing Singularity Categories coming from Invertible Polynomials
Watch video | Download video: 201510081701-Favero.mp4 (399M)
, Bielefeld University
- 18:58
Highest weight categories, recollements, and exceptional sequences
Watch video | Download video: 201510081807-Krause.mp4 (498M)
, University of Kansas
- 09:45
Recent results in Cohen-Macaualay theory I
Watch video | Download video: 201510090900-Dao.mp4 (312M)
, Nagoya University
- 10:51
Ryo Takahashi: Recent results in Cohen-Macaualay theory II
Watch video | Download video: 201510091000-Takahashi.mp4 (397M)