Open Education Resources and Technologies in Mathematics

Arriving Friday, July 26 and departing Sunday July 28, 2019

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Beezer, Rob University of Puget Sound
Davidson, Michelle University of Manitoba
Desaulniers, Shawn University of Alberta
Doob, Michael University of Manitoba
Farmer, David American Institute of Mathematics
Fever, Amy The King's University
Fitzpatrick, Sean University of Lethbridge
Forrest, Brian University of Waterloo
Frei, Christoph University of Alberta
Glin, Danny University of Calgary
Jordan, Alex Portland Community College
Kooistra, Remkes The Kings University
Laflamme, Claude University of Calgary
Lamoureux, Michael University of Calgary
Morris, Joy University of Lethbridge
Peschke, George University of Alberta
Petry, Robert Campion College at the University of Regina
Pierce, Virgil University of Northen Colorado
Rechnitzer, Andrew UBC
Rosoff, Dave College of Idaho
Sylvestre, Jeremy University of Alberta
Thangarajah, Pamini Mount Royal University
Walls, Patrick The University of British Columbia
Wilson, Nicole University of Lethbridge