Quantum Markov Semigroups and Channels: Special Classes and Applications

Videos from CMO Workshop

, University of Roma Torvergata
- 10:15
Probabilistic quantization and generalized gaussianity
Watch video | Download video: 202408190930-Accardi.mp4 (68M)
, Politecnico di Milano
- 11:00
Gaussian Quantum Markov Semigroups
Watch video | Download video: 202408191015-Fagnola.mp4 (53M)
, Genova University
- 12:15
On the Spectral Gap of a Gaussian Quantum Markov Generator
Watch video | Download video: 202408191130-Sasso.mp4 (26M)
, University of Genoa
- 13:00
GNS symmetry of a gaussian Quantum Markov Semigroup
Watch video | Download video: 202408191215-Poletti.mp4 (49M)
, Politecnico di Milano
- 15:45
Invariant States of Gaussian Quantum Markov Semigroups
Watch video | Download video: 202408191500-Girotti.mp4 (92M)
, University of Genoa
- 17:45
Young Researchers Session: An introduction to Gaussian states
Watch video | Download video: 202408191725-Poletti.mp4 (24M)
, Politecnico di Milano
- 18:10
Young researchers session and PhD problems: A brief introduction to ergodic theory in quantum Markov dynamics
Watch video | Download video: 202408191745-Girotti.mp4 (30M)
- 18:30
PhD Problems Session: Energy change after fusion
Watch video | Download video: 202408191810-SigarretaRicardo.mp4 (17M)
, Nicolaus Copernicus University
- 10:15
Universal bound on the relaxation rates for quantum Markovian dynamics
Watch video | Download video: 202408200930-Chruscinski.mp4 (57M)
, Genoa University
- 11:00
The decoherence-free subalgebra of uniformly continuous Quantum Markov Semigroups
Watch video | Download video: 202408201015-Umanita.mp4 (44M)
, The University of Arizona
- 12:15
Quantum Central Limit Theorem and Monotonicity Conjectures Related to Entropy: A Bird's Eye View and A New Result
Watch video | Download video: 202408201130-John.mp4 (47M)
, University of California San Diego
- 15:45
Quantum graph homomorphisms
Watch video | Download video: 202408201500-Ganesan.mp4 (47M)
, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
- 16:30
Quantum walks on graph
Watch video | Download video: 202408201545-Gaxiola.mp4 (49M)
, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa
- 18:10
Low density limit QMS’s: beyond the two-generic case
Watch video | Download video: 202408201745-SalgadoCastorena.mp4 (unknown)
, UAM-Iztapalapa
- 18:30
Van Hove Quadratic Hamiltonians
Watch video | Download video: 202408201810-RegaladoHernandez.mp4 (13M)
, National Academies/Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
- 10:15
Stochastic Analysis and Control of Classical and Quantum Fields
Watch video | Download video: 202408210930-Sritharan.mp4 (60M)
, US Army Research Lab, USA
- 11:00
Supersymmetric Quantum Fields via Quantum Probability
Watch video | Download video: 202408211015-Balu.mp4 (63M)
, Ohio State University at Marion
- 13:00
The quantum operators of Meixner random variables
Watch video | Download video: 202408211215-Stan.mp4 (50M)
, Rutgers University
- 10:15
Watch video | Download video: 202408220930-Carlen.mp4 (55M)
, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
- 11:00
Ricci curvature bounds and relative entropy decay for quantum Markov semigroups
Watch video | Download video: 202408221015-Wirth.mp4 (55M)
, University of South Carolina
- 12:15
On the Ricci curvature lower bounds for quantum Markov semigroups
Watch video | Download video: 202408221130-Zhang.mp4 (108M)
, Roosevelt University
- 13:00
Boundedness of the Gaussian Riesz potentials on Gaussian variable Lebesgue spaces
Watch video | Download video: 202408221215-Urbina.mp4 (52M)
, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa Campus
- 15:45
Gaussian QMS`s of weak coupling limit: the generic case
Watch video | Download video: 202408221500-Quezada.mp4 (39M)
, Universidad Autónoma de México, Iztapalapa Campus
- 11:30
Gaussian states via Weyl moments in infinity modes
Watch video | Download video: 202408231015-RiosCangas.mp4 (31M)
- 12:15
G-circulant Quantum Markov Semigroups
Watch video | Download video: 202408231130-Vazquez-Becerra.mp4 (28M)